Historical Data Export Fields Reference

This section describes the VIEW library of data export fields that are populated for the different parts of an interaction through storm and which are available for you to use in the Report Builder.

You will find this useful when creating a historical data export report. Also, since data export fields underpin metrics, filters, and dimensions, the information will help you to understand how existing metrics are built as well as empower you to design your own custom metrics. See the Understanding VIEW Historical Reports and Historical Report Design sections of the storm VIEW User Guide for information about these reporting components.

See also, How the Data Export Fields are Documented.

Use the lists below or the Contents panel on the left to navigate to the desired content or use the Search field at the top of the panel.

Deprecated content is not shown in the lists below but is listed in the Contents panel.


Data export fields in CONTACT Data Records

Basic (fields that record the basic properties of all interactions)

INBOUND (fields populated by the storm INBOUND application)

FLOW (fields populated by the storm FLOW application)

UC (fields populated by the storm UC application)

CONTACT (fields populated by the storm CONTACT application)

LOCK/PADLOCK (fields populated by the storm LOCK/PADLOCK application)

LINK (fields populated by the storm LINK application)

OUTBOUND (fields populated by the storm OUTBOUND application)

MATRIX (fields populated by the storm MATRIX conferencing application)

Messages (fields related to all messages)

Web Chat (fields related to web chat interactions)

Digital Channels (fields related to social media interactions)


Data export fields in CONTACT Actions

Data export fields in OUTBOUND Status Change

Data export fields in CONTACT Agent Activity

Data export fields in FLOW Action Cell Log

Data export fields in LOCK Transactions

Data export fields in Licence Usage

Data export fields in Organisation Licence Usage

Data export fields in CKS Export


Data Export Fields in CONTACT Data Records

Basic Data Export Fields

All data export fields in the Basic category are listed below (except deprecated fields):

Call ID

Call Subrecord ID

Call Date/Time

Call Date UTC Offset

Call Direction

Organisation Name

Organisation ID

Communication Type

Originating Address

CLI Presentation (CLIP) Information

Destination Address

Diverting Number

Diverting Number CLIP


Call Reference Number

Call Set Up Time

Accepted Duration

Ringing Duration

Call Duration

Call End Date/Time

Call End Date UTC Offset

Clearing Party

Clearing Cause

INBOUND Data Export Fields

All data export fields in the INBOUND category are listed below (except deprecated fields):


Access ID

Access Type ID

Access Number Description

Route Plan

Route Plan ID

Route Type

Route Plan Revision

Route Mapping

Route Mapping Type

Routing Schedule

Routing Schedule ID


Disaster Recovery Active?

CLI Group

CLI Group ID

Call Timeout

SIP Resource Group?

Whisper Prompt Enabled?

Recording Enabled?

Voicemail Enabled?

Mailbox ID

Number Management Outbound?

Diagnostic Recording Indicator

FLOW Data Export Fields

All data export fields in the FLOW category are listed below (except deprecated fields):

Initial Script

Script ID

Script Reached

Script ID Reached

Step Reached

First Menu Option

Second Menu Option

Third Menu Option

Received Digits

Last Prompt

Inbound Call Duration Before Outbound Call

Inbound Call Duration After Outbound Call

Time Spent in IVR

Miscellaneous Field 1 - 20


Anonymous Queue Count

Routed Anonymous Queue Count

Abandoned Anonymous Queue Count

Withdrawn Anonymous Queue Count

Original Anonymous Queue

Original Anonymous Queue ID

Original Anonymous Queue Result

Original Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

Last Anonymous Queue

Last Anonymous Queue ID

Last Anonymous Queue Result

Last Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

Total Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

Highest Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

Total Routed Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

Highest Routed Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

Total Abandoned Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

Highest Abandoned Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

Total Withdrawn Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

Highest Withdrawn Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

UC Data Export Fields

All data export fields in the UC category are listed below (except deprecated fields):

Malicious Call?

Caller Organisation ID

Caller User Group

Caller Extension

Caller Username

Caller User ID

Caller User <Miscellaneous 1>

Caller User <Miscellaneous 2>

Caller Device Type

Caller Device ID

Hardware Registration?

DTA Initiated?

SIP User Agent Data

Internal Caller?

CLI Presentation

Called Organisation ID

Called User Group

Called Extension

Called Username

Called User ID

Called User <Miscellaneous 1>

Called User <Miscellaneous 2>

Called Device Type

Called Device ID

Original Internal Called Party?

Last Internal Called Party?

Call Treatment

Call Treatment ID

Overflow Details

Call Group?

Call Pickup?

Pulled to Ground?


Call Forwarded?


Voicemail Deposited?

Broke Out from Voicemail?

Voicemail Mailbox ID

Voicemail Key Press Data

Number of Voicemails Before Call

Number of Voicemails After Call

Voicemail Duration

Verified User?

Number of Times Connected

Number of Attempted Connections

Talk Time

Hold Time

Call Recording Duration

Outbound SIP Call ID


From Transfer?

Blind Transfer?

Transfer Completed?

Consultation Call?

Number of Attempted Warm Transfers

Number of Attempted Blind Transfers

Number of Completed Warm Transfers

Number of Completed Blind Transfers

Transfer Details

Date/Time Conferenced

Last Consultation Destination

Call Duration Until Conferenced

Disconnection Reason

Shared Call Reference

CONTACT Data Export Fields

All data export fields in the CONTACT category are listed below:


Queue ID

Original Queue

Original Queue ID

Original Queue Wait Time

Original Connected Queue

Original Connected Queue ID

Original Queue Routed Inside SLA?

Last Queue Wait Time

Last Connected Queue

Last Connected Queue ID

Last Queue Routed Inside SLA?

Total Queue Wait Time

Queue Details

Transfer Queue

Transfer Queue ID

Queue Callback Requested?

Queue Callback?

Original Callback Wait Duration

Callback Wait Duration

Total Callback Wait Duration

Agent Group

Agent Group ID

Original Connected Agent Group

Original Connected Agent Group ID

Last Connected Agent Group

Last Connected Agent Group ID


Local Agent

Local Agent ID

Agent Call Direction

Agent Call Target


Agent ID

Original Connected Agent

Original Connected Agent ID

Time to Connect

Last Connected Agent

Last Connected Agent ID

Last Connected User

Last Connected User ID

Last Connected User <Miscellaneous 1>

Last Connected User <Miscellaneous 2>

Internal Transfers Performed

External Transfers Performed

Wrap Time

Total Wrap Time

Agent Completion Code

Call Completion Code

All Completion Codes

Conversation Reference

Initial Conversation Reference

LOCK/PADLOCK Data Export Fields

All data export fields in the LOCK/PADLOCK category are listed below:

Client Reference

Payment Type

Card Type

Payment Value

Transaction Attempt

Transaction Result

Payment Provider Reference


Authentication Code

Security Response for Card

Security Response for Address

Security Response for Postcode

LOCK Miscellaneous Field (1 to 20)

LINK Data Export Fields

All data export fields in the LINK category are listed below:

LINK Parent Call ID


LINK Interaction Result

LINK Interaction Duration



OUTBOUND Data Export Fields

All data export fields in the OUTBOUND category are listed below:

Data Management Table

Data Management Table ID

Data Management Table View

Data Management Table View ID

Data Management Row ID


OUTBOUND Dial Result

Original Callback Time

Original Callback Agent Name

Original Callback Agent ID

MATRIX Data Export Fields

All data export fields in the MATRIX category are listed below:

Initial Conference

Initial Conference ID

Abandoned Conference Name

Abandoned Conference ID

Contact Name

Contact ID

Caller Priority


Caller Operator

Caller Operator ID


Answering Operator

Answering Operator ID

Time to Answer

Time to Release

Messages Data Export Fields

All data export fields in the Messages category are listed below (except deprecated fields):

Message Type

Message Sub Type

Message Parts

Message Contents

Message Validity


Total Message Handling Duration

Working Day Message Handling Duration

Processed Event Status

Message Handling Duration

Web Chat Data Export Fields

For Web Chat 1.0 only. For Web Chat 2.0, use the data export fields in the 'Messages' category (see above) and the 'Digital Channels' category (see below).

All data export fields in the Web Chat category are listed below:

Chat ID



Message Count

Attachment Count

Guest Message Count

Guest Attachment Count

Guest Time to First Message

Guest Time to Respond

Guest Time from Last Message


Agent Message Count

Agent Attachment Count

Agent Time to First Message

Agent Time to Respond

Agent Time from Last Message

Agent time to respond per message

Chat Duration

Transcript Email Address

Digital Channels Data Export Fields

All data export fields in the Social Media category are listed below:

Guest SM Messages per SM Session

Avg Guest Response Time per SM Session

Shortest Guest Response Time per SM Session

Longest Guest Response Time per SM Session


Avg Agent Response Time per SM Session

Shortest Agent Response Time per SM Session

Longest Agent Response Time per SM Session

Agent SM Messages per SM Session

Data Export Fields in CONTACT Actions

All data export fields in the data source are listed below (except deprecated fields):

Call ID

Action Date/Time

Action Index

Start Reason

End Reason

Mapping Type

Call Group Type

Routed Destination

Internal Caller?

Internal Called Party?


Queue ID

Queue Reference

Queue Rejoin?

Queue Wait Time

Routed Inside SLA?



Agent ID


User ID

Talk Time

Hold Time

Wrap Time

Call Completion Code

Data Export Fields in OUTBOUND Status Change

All data export fields in the data source are listed below (except deprecated fields):

Status Change Date Time

Data Management Status

Data Management Sub Status

Status Change Source

Dial Reference

Data Management Table

Data Management Table ID

Data Management Table View

Data Management Table View ID

Data Management Row ID

Created Date Time

Agent Name

Agent ID

Contact Name

Contact Number


Data Management Number Index

Call Result

Processing Attempts

Processing Attempts Today

Retry Date Time

Overall Retry Date Time

Callback Date Time

Callback Agent Name

Callback Agent ID

Callback Number

Revised Callback Date Time

Expiry Date Time

Exclusion Reason

Data Export Fields in CONTACT Agent Activity

All data export fields in the data source are listed below (except deprecated fields):

Serial Number

Call ID


Status ID

Sub Status ID

Status Start Date and Time


Agent ID

User ID


User <Miscellaneous 1>

User <Miscellaneous 2>


Status Duration

Total Status Duration

Status Change Date and Time

Next Status

Next Status ID

Next Sub Status ID


Queue ID

Custom Status Code

Data Export Fields in FLOW Action Cell Log

All data export fields in the data source are listed below (except deprecated fields):

Call Start Date/Time

Call Reference Number

Call ID

Initial Script

Initial Script ID

Previous Action Cell ID

Entered Action Cell ID

Entered Action Cell Date/Time

Entered Action Cell Date/Time UTC Offset


Current Script

Current Script ID

Script Version

Data Export Fields in LOCK Transactions

All data export fields in the data source are listed below (except deprecated fields):

Call Reference Number

Call ID

Call Start Date/Time

Client Reference

Payment Method

Payment Type

Card Type

Card Holder

Card Number

Payment Value

Transaction Attempt

Transaction Date Time

Transaction Result



User ID

Payment Service Provider

Payment Interface

Payment Provider Reference

Merchant ID

Authentication Code

Security Response for Card

Security Response for Address

Security Response for Postcode

Auth Type

Miscellaneous Field 1 to 20

Data Export Fields in Licence Usage

All data export fields in the data source are listed below (except deprecated fields):

Usage Type

Licence Type

Logged Date Time

Start Date Time

End Date Time


User ID

User Full Name

Logon Source

Usage Count


Contingency Licence?


Organisation ID


Site ID

User Group

User Group ID

Total Current Usage Count per Site/User Group

Total Concurrent Usage Count per Site/User Group

Total Contingency Usage Count per Site/User Group

Data Export Fields in Organisation Licence Usage

All data export fields in the data source are listed below (except deprecated fields):

Licence Type

Start Date Time

End Date Time


Organisation ID

Total Concurrent Count

Total Contingency Count

Data Export Fields in CKS Export

All data export fields in the data source are listed below (except deprecated fields):

Export Date Time

Export Reference

Record ID

Record Created Date Time