Avg Agent Response Time per SM Session

This data export field displays the average agent response time to the guest’s messages in the social media (SM) session.

A digital channel session (or conversation) is defined from when the first message was received by the agent to when either the guest or the agent ended the session. An agent ends a digital channel session by clicking the Done button in storm DTA.

See also, Incoming Message Duration Chart.

Historical Data Source

CONTACT Data Records


Digital Channels


(except Twitter Public and Facebook Public)

Size (bytes)



Avg Agent Response Time per SM Session



Key to symbols

The average value is calculated by summing each duration between an agent's reply and the guest's previous message (or the most recent message in a continuous set of previous messages) and dividing the sum by the number of times the agent replied.

There is a single inbound leg only in a social media session. The value is written to this leg.


By clicking the current duration format, you can select another format, which may be more appropriate for your report.


The 'Seconds' format shows decimal places; the 'Seconds (Integer)' format does not.


This data export report is for a Facebook Messenger conversation in which agent Edward took 1 minute to respond to the guest's first message and then took 5 minutes to respond to the last in a set of continuous messages from the guest. There were no further message exchanges before the conversation ended.

The Avg Agent Response Time per SM Session value was calculated by dividing the sum of the agent response times (6 minutes) by the two agent responses, which was 3 minutes for the session.

Call Date/Time


Agent SM Messages per SM Session

Avg Agent Response Time per SM Session


2020-06-26 13:15:18





Edward Redwood


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