VIEW Historical Data Source Reference Guide - About this Document

Software version  Document Revision 1.12

Welcome to the storm® VIEW™ Historical Data Source Reference.

This document is a detailed reference to the fields, metrics, and dimensions in VIEW. It is intended for administrators who are building historical reports and assumes an understanding of content in the storm VIEW User Guide.

The document is organised under the following sections:



What's New in this Release

Lists changes from the previous release of this document.

Introduction to the VIEW Historical Data Sources

Provides a brief overview of the historical data sources in storm VIEW.

VIEW Historical Data Sources

Describes the VIEW historical data sources and explains how data is written to each of them following interactions through storm.

Data Export Field Reference

Provides a detailed description of each data export field in across all historical data sources. This is the largest section of the document because data fields underpin metrics, filters, and dimensions.

The details in this section will help you to understand the meaning of every historical data field that is populated in every interaction handled by storm. In particular, it will help you to see how a data export field is populated for the different parts of an interaction. For example, in the CONTACT Data Records data source, some fields such as Talk Time record different values on the inbound and outbound legs of an incoming interaction.

Interaction Duration Charts

Shows the relative durations of interactions through storm and the data export fields that measure them. For example, Ringing Duration and Total Message Handling Duration.

Standard Historical Metrics Reference

Provides a detailed description of each standard metric across all historical data sources. These metrics are available for you to include in your own custom historical reports. Many of these metrics are used in the standard historical reports delivered with VIEW.

Dimensions Reference

Lists the dimensions in each data source along with the field each relates to. Dimensions are used to break down metric values in custom reports.


Content related to other topics which some users may find useful.


The following symbols indicate the communication channels supported in storm.




SMS text


Web chat

Social media (for example, Twitter, Facebook, and Trustpilot)