Standard Historical Metrics Reference

This section describes the VIEW library of standard metrics that are available for you to select in the Report Builder when creating a custom report.

See the Understanding VIEW historical reports section of the storm VIEW User Guide for information about the use of metrics in custom historical reports.

Use the lists below or the Contents panel on the left to navigate to the desired content or use the Search field at the top of the panel.

Metric Compatibility Across Reports

Depending on how a metric is designed, it may give unexpected results when included in some reports.

For example, consider the metric 'Total Wrap Duration', which is designed for reporting wrap durations for incoming, outgoing, and internal calls. Although the metric will work well in the report for which it was designed, it may not provide the expected result in a report that includes metrics that were designed for reporting on incoming calls only. The effect of this is that some data values may look 'wrong' in the report. You can resolve this incompatibility by looking for an equivalent standard metric that is designed for reporting on incoming calls only. If this is not available, you can design a new metric for the report, or add filters to the report for excluding external and internal calls.

Metric design is covered in Metric design strategy.


Metrics in CONTACT Data Records










  Web Chat

  Digital Channels


Metrics in CONTACT Actions

Metrics in OUTBOUND Status Change

Metrics in CONTACT Agent Activity

Metrics in FLOW Action Cell Log

Metrics in LOCK Transactions

Metrics in Licence Usage

Metrics in Organisation Licence Usage

Metrics in CKS Export


Metrics in CONTACT Data Records

Standard metrics in the CONTACT Data Records data source are listed below:

Basic Metrics

Unique Callers

Landline Callers

Mobile Callers

Non-Geographic Callers



FLOW Metrics

Total Anonymous Queues Entered

Total Anonymous Queues Abandoned

Total Anonymous Queues Withdrawn From

Total Anonymous Queues Routed

Avg Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

Longest Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

Total Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

Avg Abandoned Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

Longest Abandoned Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

Total Abandoned Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

Avg Withdrawn Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

Longest Withdrawn Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

Total Withdrawn Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

Avg Routed Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

Longest Routed Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

Total Routed Anonymous Queue Wait Duration



Ended in IVR



Avg Duration in IVR

Total Duration in IVR

UC Metrics


Incoming Communications

Incoming Calls

External Incoming Calls Busy

Outgoing Communications

Outgoing Calls (Manual)

Outgoing Answered Calls

Calls (Incoming and Outgoing)

Internal Calls

Internal Calls Connected

Internal Calls Busy

Internal Calls Unanswered

Calls Transferred

Calls to Voicemail

Calls by Verified Users

Calls by Unverified Users




Avg Incoming Call Duration

Longest Incoming Call Duration

Shortest Incoming Call Duration

Total Incoming Call Duration

Avg Incoming Hold Duration (Held calls)

Longest Incoming Hold Duration

Total Incoming Hold Duration

Avg Outgoing Ringing Duration

Longest Outgoing Ringing Duration

Shortest Outgoing Ringing Duration

Total Outgoing Ringing Duration

Longest Outgoing Call Duration

Shortest Outgoing Call Duration

Avg Outgoing Talk Duration

Total Outgoing Talk Duration

Avg Outgoing Hold Duration

Total Outgoing Hold Duration

Avg Internal Call Duration

Longest Internal Call Duration

Shortest Internal Call Duration

Total Internal Call Duration

Avg Recording Duration

Shortest Recording Duration

Longest  Recording Duration

Total Recording Duration



Incoming Communication Attempts

Answered Communications

Incoming Call Attempts

Total Call Attempts (Incoming/Outgoing)

Calls Transferred to Queue

Incoming Calls Offered

Incoming Calls Connected

% Incoming Calls Connected

% Answer Rate (Connected/Offered)

Answered Calls

Failed Calls

Service Level

Total Callback Calls

Answered Callback Calls

Transfers to Agents

Transfers to External Parties

Agent Outgoing Call Attempts

Agent Outgoing Calls Connected

% Outgoing Calls Connected

Outgoing Transfers



Avg Agent Ringing Duration

Longest Agent Ringing Duration

Shortest Agent Ringing Duration

Total Agent Ringing Duration

Avg Incoming Call Handling Duration

Avg Incoming Talk Duration

Total Incoming Talk Duration

Avg Wrap Duration (Incoming Calls)

Longest Wrap Duration (Incoming Calls)

Shortest Wrap Duration (Incoming Calls)

Total Wrap Duration (Incoming Calls)

Agent Incoming Hold Duration

Total Callback Talk Duration

Total Callback Hold Duration

Total Callback Wrap Duration

Avg Agent Outgoing Talk Duration

Agent Outgoing Talk Duration

Avg Wrap Duration (Outgoing Calls)

Total Wrap Duration (Outgoing Calls)

Avg Agent Talk Duration

Total Agent Talk Duration

Avg Wrap Duration (Incoming/Outgoing)

Total Wrap Duration



Total Transactions

Total Payment Value



LINK Metrics

Attempted LINK Video Interactions

Successful LINK Video Interactions

Unaccepted LINK Video Interactions

Failed LINK Video Interactions





OUTBOUND Connected Calls

OUTBOUND Preview Rejected Calls



Avg OUTBOUND Talk Duration

Total OUTBOUND Talk Duration

Avg OUTBOUND Hold Duration

Total OUTBOUND Hold Duration

Avg OUTBOUND Wrap Duration

Total OUTBOUND Wrap Duration

MATRIX Metrics


Abandoned Calls



Avg Answer Duration

Longest Answer Duration

Shortest Answer Duration

Avg Release Duration

Longest Release Duration

Shortest Release Duration

Messages Metrics


Avg Message Handling Duration

Longest Message Handling Duration

Shortest Message Handling Duration

Total Message Handling Duration



Incoming Emails

Queued Emails

Routed Emails

Emails (Requeued & transferred)

Emails Forwarded

% Emails Forwarded

Emails Transferred to Queue

% Emails Transferred to Queue

Emails Deleted

% Emails Deleted

Emails Ignored

% Emails Ignored

Emails Marked for Follow Up

% Emails Marked for Follow Up

Emails Followed Up

% Emails Followed Up

Emails Requeued

% Emails Requeued

Emails Requeued after Timeout

% Emails Requeued After Timeout

Emails Replied To

Emails Replied To (<48 hours)

% Emails Replied To (<48 hrs)

Email Replies

% Email Replies

Emails Completed

% Emails Completed

Emails Initiated

Outgoing Email Messages

Avg Email Handling Duration

Longest Email Handling Duration

Shortest Email Handling Duration

Total Email Handling Duration




SMS Messages

Incoming SMS Messages

Outgoing SMS Messages

Ignored SMS Messages

Deleted SMS Messages

Avg SMS Handling Duration

Longest SMS Handling Duration

Shortest SMS Handling Duration

Total SMS Handling Duration

Web Chat Metrics

For Web Chat 1.0 only. For Web Chat 2.0, use the metrics in the 'All' sub-category of Messages and Digital Channels.


Connected Web Chats

Web Chats Lost in Queue



Avg Web Chat Duration

Longest Web Chat Duration

Shortest Web Chat Duration

Total Web Chat Duration

Avg Agent Time to Respond to Web Chat

Avg Web Chat Handling Duration

Digital Media Metrics


Total Social Media Messages



Facebook Posts

Facebook Public Messages

Facebook DMs

Avg Facebook Public Message Handling Duration

Facebook Public Message Handling Duration

Avg Facebook DM Handling Duration

Facebook DM Handling Duration



Twitter Messages


Twitter DMs

Outgoing Twitter Messages

Avg Tweet Handling Duration

Longest Tweet Handling Duration

Shortest Tweet Handling Duration

Total Tweet Handling Duration

Avg Twitter DM Handling Duration

Longest Twitter DM Handling Duration

Shortest Twitter DM Handling Duration

Total Twitter DM Handling Duration

Metrics in CONTACT Actions

Standard metrics in the CONTACT Actions data source are listed below:

Queued Call Count

Queued Calls Connected

Calls Overflowed from Queue

Calls Transferred to Queue

Overflow Calls

Queued Calls Connected Inside SLA

% Queued Calls Connected Inside SLA

% Routed Rate

Queued Calls Disconnected

Queued Calls Disconnected Inside SLA

% Queued Calls Disconnected Inside SLA

Avg Call Abandon Duration

Calls Lost in Queue

Calls Lost in Queue (< 5s)

Calls Lost in Queue (5-30s)

% Lost Rate




Avg Speed to Answer

Avg Call Handling Duration

Avg Talk Duration

Total Talk Duration

Avg Hold Duration

Total Hold Duration

Avg Wrap Duration

Total Wrap Duration

Callback Requests

Total Wait Duration before Callback Request

Total Wait Duration After Callback Request

Serviced Callback Requests

Longest Wait Duration (Answered Calls)

Total Wait Duration (Answered Calls)

Longest Wait Duration (Unanswered Calls)

Total Wait Duration (Unanswered Calls)

Metrics in OUTBOUND Status Change

For information about this data source, see the OUTBOUND Status Change data source.

Completed OUTBOUND Records

Retried OUTBOUND Records (Same Number)




Metrics in CONTACT Agent Activity

Standard metrics in the CONTACT Agent Activity data source are listed below:

Log On

First Log-on Time

Last Log-off Time



Available Agents

% Available

OUTBOUND Preview Calls



Total Logged On Duration

Total Logged Off Duration

Total Available Duration

Total Unavailable Duration

Avg Call Setup Duration

Longest Call Setup Duration

Shortest Call Setup Duration

Total Call Setup Duration

Total Inbound Call Duration

Total Incoming Hold Duration



Total Outgoing Call Duration

Total Outgoing Talk Duration

Avg Outgoing Hold Duration

Total Outgoing Hold Duration

Total Hold Duration


% Productive

Avg Wrapup Duration

Longest Wrapup Duration

Shortest Wrapup Duration

Total Wrapup Duration

Total OUTBOUND Call Duration

Total OUTBOUND Talk Duration

Avg OUTBOUND Hold Duration

Total OUTBOUND Hold Duration

Avg Preview Duration

Total Preview Duration

Total Setup Duration

Total Twitter Setup Duration

Total Twitter Handling Duration

Total Facebook Setup Duration

Total Facebook Handling Duration

Total Status Durations (All Statuses)

Metrics in FLOW Action Cell Log

Standard metrics in the data source are listed below:

Script Calls

Unique Calls


Metrics in LOCK Transactions

Standard metrics in the LOCK Transactions data source are listed below:

Total Transactions

Total Payment Value


Metrics in Licence Usage

Standard metrics in the Licence Usage data source are listed below:

Licence Usage

Licences Acquired

Licences Released


Licence Usage by Site/User Group

Avg Concurrent Licences

Highest Concurrent Licences

Lowest Concurrent Licences

Avg Contingent Licences

Highest Contingent Licences

Lowest Contingent Licences

Metrics in Organisation Licence Usage

Standard metrics in the Organisation Licence Usage data source are listed below:

Avg Concurrent Licences

Highest Concurrent Licences

Lowest Concurrent Licences

Avg Contingent Licences

Highest Contingent Licences

Lowest Contingent Licences



Metrics in CKS Export

Standard metrics in the CKS Export data source are listed below:

Open Cases