Metrics in CONTACT Agent Activity

This is the standard metrics reference for the CONTACT Agent Activity data source.

See the Standard Historical Metrics Reference section for a summary listing of these metrics.

Log On



First log-on Time


The date and time the agent first logged in.

Used in the Agent Productivity standard report.

Last log-off Time


The date and time the agent last logged out.

Used in the Agent Productivity standard report.




Available Agents


The number of agents who were available.

Equivalent to the real-time statistics 'Available' in the Agent Group module.

% Available


The percentage of agent logged-in durations in the 'Available' status.

Used in the Agent Productivity standard report.

OUTBOUND Preview Calls


The number of OUTBOUND preview calls.

Used in the OUTBOUND Agent Preview Calls standard report.




Total Logged On Duration


The total duration for which agents were logged in to storm.

Used in the Agent Productivity standard report.

Total Logged Off Duration


The total amount of time for which agents were in the 'Logged Off' status (ID=1) within the reporting period.

Total Available Duration


The total duration agents spent in the 'Available' status.

Used in the Agent Productivity standard report.

Total Unavailable Duration


The total duration agents were unavailable. This includes the standard 'Unavailable' status and any custom unavailable statuses. It excludes time spent on calls or in wrap-up.

See the table of agent statuses in the CONTACT Agent Activity data source for details about unavailable statuses.

Used in the Agent Productivity standard report.

Avg Call Setup Duration

The average time spent by agents in call setup for calls that started within the reporting period. This includes the Incoming Call Setup, Outgoing Call Setup, Incoming Call Ringback, and Preview statuses.

See the table of agent statuses in CONTACT Agent Activity data source for details.

Longest Call Setup Duration

The longest time spent by an agent in call setup for a call that started within the reporting period (this is measured across the Incoming Call Setup, Outgoing Call Setup, Incoming Call Ringback, and Preview statuses).

Shortest Call Setup Duration

The shortest time spent by an agent in call setup for a call that started within the reporting period. This is measured across the Incoming Call Setup, Outgoing Call Setup, Incoming Call Ringback, and Preview statuses.

Total Call Setup Duration

The total time spent by agents in call setup (this includes the Incoming Call Setup, Outgoing Call Setup, Incoming Call Ringback, and Preview statuses).

See the table of agent statuses in CONTACT Agent Activity data source for details.

Used in the Agent Productivity standard report.

Total Inbound Call Duration

The total duration of calls answered by agents within the reporting period. The calculation includes talk time and hold time but excludes IVR and queue wait times.

Total Incoming Hold Duration

The total amount of time for which incoming calls were in a hold status (held by agents) within the reporting period.

Unlike the 'Total Incoming Hold Duration' metric in the CONTACT Data Records data source, any parts of hold durations extending beyond the end of the reporting period are excluded.

Total Outgoing Call Duration

The total amount of time for which agents were talking to contacts during manual outgoing calls within the reporting period. Durations in the hold status (held by agents) are included.

Any parts of talk durations extending beyond the end of the reporting period are excluded.

Total Outgoing Talk Duration

The total amount of time for which agents were talking to contacts during manual outgoing calls within the reporting period. Durations in the hold status (held by agents) are excluded.

Any parts of talk durations extending beyond the end of the reporting period are excluded.

Avg Outgoing Hold Duration

The average time for which agents held their calls on during manual outgoing calls within the reporting period.

Any parts of talk durations extending beyond the end of the reporting period are excluded.

Total Outgoing Hold Duration

The total amount of time for which manual outgoing calls were in a hold status (held by agents) within the reporting period.

This is similar to the 'Total Outgoing Hold Duration' metric in the CONTACT Data Records data source.

Any parts of hold durations extending beyond the end of the reporting period are excluded.

Total Hold Duration

The total amount of time for which incoming and manual outgoing calls were in a hold status (held by agents) within the reporting period.

Any parts of hold durations extending beyond the end of the reporting period are excluded.



The total duration agents spent on incoming and outgoing interactions across all channels. It includes durations spent in wrap-up and, for calls, it includes hold durations.

Used in the standard reports: Agent Productivity and Agent Productivity Chart.

% Productive


The percentage of agent logged-in durations spent on incoming and outgoing interactions across all channels. It includes durations spent in wrap-up and, for calls, it includes hold durations.

Used in the Agent Productivity standard report.

Avg Wrapup Duration


The average time for which agents were in the 'Wrapup' status at the end of interactions.

Longest Wrapup Duration


The longest time for which an agent was in the 'Wrapup' status (ID=6) at the end of an interaction.

Shortest Wrapup Duration


The shortest time for which an agent was in the 'Wrapup' status (ID=6) at the end of an interaction.

Total Wrapup Duration


The total agent wrap-up duration at the end of all interactions.

Total OUTBOUND Call Duration

The total amount of time for which agents were talking to contacts in OUTBOUND dialler calls within the reporting period. Talk durations in the hold status (held by agents) are included.

Any parts of talk and hold durations extending beyond the end of the reporting period are excluded.

Total OUTBOUND Talk Duration

The total agent talk duration in OUTBOUND dialler calls.

Any parts of talk durations extending beyond the end of the reporting period are excluded.

Used in the OUTBOUND Agent Campaigns standard report.

Avg OUTBOUND Hold Duration

The average agent hold time in an OUTBOUND dialler call.

Any parts of hold durations extending beyond the end of the reporting period are excluded.

Used in the OUTBOUND Agent Campaigns standard report.

Total OUTBOUND Hold Duration

The total agent hold duration in OUTBOUND dialler calls.

Any parts of hold durations extending beyond the end of the reporting period are excluded.

Used in the OUTBOUND Agent Campaigns standard report.

Avg Preview Duration

The average time an agent spent previewing contacts in an OUTBOUND dialler preview campaign.

Any parts of preview durations extending beyond the end of the reporting period are excluded.

Used in the OUTBOUND Agent Preview Calls standard report.

Total Preview Duration

The total time agents spent previewing contacts in OUTBOUND dialler preview campaigns.

Any parts of preview durations extending beyond the end of the reporting period are excluded.

Used in the OUTBOUND Agent Preview Calls standard report.

Total Setup Duration


The total duration agents spent in setup statuses across all communication channels. This includes call dialling and ringing times, and time spent waiting to handle text-based messages.

See the table of agent statuses in the CONTACT Agent Activity data source for a list of possible setup statuses.

Used in the Agent Productivity standard report.

Total Twitter Setup


The total amount of time for which agents were presented with public or direct Twitter messages within the reporting period.

Total Twitter Handling Duration

The total amount of time for which agents were handling public or direct Twitter messages.

Any parts of handling durations extending beyond the end of the reporting period are excluded.

Total Facebook Setup Duration

The total amount of time for which agents were presented with Public or Direct Facebook posts within the reporting period.

Total Facebook Handling Duration

The total time taken by agents to handle Facebook Public messages.

Any parts of handling durations extending beyond the end of the reporting period are excluded.

Total Status Durations (All Statuses)


The total durations of all agent statuses within the reporting period.

Use the Status Description dimension to break this metric down by each individual status.