Metrics in CONTACT Data Records

This is the standard metrics reference for the CONTACT Data Records data source.

See the Standard Historical Metrics Reference section for a summary listing of these metrics.


The metrics are divided into the following categories:










Web Chat

Digital Channels





Unique Callers


The number of unique originating addresses on all inbound legs.

Landline Callers

The number of originating addresses prefixed with 01 or 02 (UK landlines) on all inbound legs.

To include other originating address prefixes, create a custom metric in which the Origination filter uses the 'Starts with' option and each value is separated with an 'Or' operator.

Mobile Callers

The number of originating addresses prefixed with 075, 07624, 077, 078 (UK mobiles), and 079 on all inbound legs.

To include other originating address prefixes, create a custom metric in which the Origination filter uses the 'Starts with' option and each value is separated with an 'Or' operator.

Non-Geographic Callers

The number of originating addresses prefixed with 08 or 09 (UK non-geographic numbers) on all inbound legs.

To include other originating address prefixes, create a custom metric in which the Origination filter uses the 'Starts with' option and each value is separated with an 'Or' operator.


Anonymous Queues

These metrics are for callers who are routed to users in a non-storm contact centre via anonymous queues. The use of anonymous queues requires bespoke configuration by Content Guru.



Total Anonymous Queues Entered

The total number of anonymous queues entered by callers.

Total Anonymous Queues Abandoned

The total number of anonymous queues entered by callers before abandoning.

Total Anonymous Queues Withdrawn From

The total number of anonymous queues entered by callers before being withdrawn.

Total Anonymous Queues Routed

The total number of anonymous queues entered by callers before being routed.

Avg Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

The average time callers spent in anonymous queues.

Longest Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

The longest time spent by a caller in an anonymous queue.

Total Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

The total time callers spent in anonymous queues.

Avg Abandoned Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

The average time callers spent in anonymous queues before abandoning.

Longest Abandoned Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

The longest time spent by a caller in an anonymous queue before abandoning.

Total Abandoned Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

The total time callers spent in anonymous queues before abandoning.

Avg Withdrawn Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

The average time callers spent in anonymous queues before being withdrawn.

Longest Withdrawn Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

The longest time spent by a caller in an anonymous queue being withdrawn.

Total Withdrawn Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

The total time callers spent in anonymous queues before being withdrawn.

Avg Routed Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

The average time callers spent in anonymous queues before being routed.

Longest Routed Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

The longest time spent by a caller in an anonymous queue before being routed.

Total Routed Anonymous Queue Wait Duration

The total time callers spent in anonymous queues before being routed.




Ended in IVR

The number of incoming contacts that were routed to an IVR but were not routed to a queue. Callers may have hung up or the calls routed elsewhere.

Used in the IVR Performance standard report.




Avg Duration in IVR


The average time spent by contacts in an IVR.

Used in the IVR Performance standard report.

Total Duration in IVR


The total time spent by contacts in IVRs.

Used in the IVR Performance standard report.





Incoming Communications


The number of incoming communications to your organisation across all channels.

Used in the standard reports: Incoming Communication and Agent Completion Codes.

Incoming Calls

The number of external incoming calls to your organisation.

Used in the standard reports: Incoming Communication Chart, Incoming Communication, Incoming Hourly Calls Chart, Incoming Call Originations, and IVR Performance.

External Incoming Calls Busy

The total number of incoming calls received from external numbers by UC users that ended with a busy tone. Do not use this for calls routed via call centre queues.

Outgoing Communications


The number of outgoing communications across all channels from your organisation. OUTBOUND dialler calls are excluded.

Used in the Outgoing Communication standard report.

Outgoing Calls (Manual)

The number of manual outgoing external calls from your organisation. This includes any attempts to dial external parties during consultation calls.

Used in the standard reports: Outgoing Communication, Outgoing Call Destinations, and Outgoing Callers.

Equivalent real-time statistics: Made in the Agent Group module; 'OUTGOING (TOTAL)' in the real-time events selector (Agents events); 'All Agents Total Outgoing Call Count' in the real-time events selector (Agent Groups events). See the storm VIEW User Guide.

Outgoing Answered Calls

The number of users whose manual outgoing calls were answered.

Note: a call to a busy number in which the network plays a busy message to the caller is counted as an answered call.

Used in the standard reports: Outgoing Call Destinations and Outgoing Callers.

Calls (Incoming and Outgoing)

The sum of the number of external incoming calls to your organisation's access numbers and the total number of manual outgoing external calls from your organisation.

Internal Calls

The number of internal calls in your organisation.

This includes direct calls to extensions, calls to paging groups but excludes internal transfers, calls to voicemail and to supervisor listen-in extensions.

Used in the Internal Calls standard report.

Internal Calls Connected

The number of answered internal calls.

This includes direct calls to extensions, calls to paging groups but excludes internal transfers, calls to voicemail and to supervisor listen-in extensions.

Used in the Internal Calls standard report.

Internal Calls Busy

The number of internal calls made that were met with a busy tone.

This includes direct calls to extensions, calls to paging groups but excludes internal transfers, calls to voicemail and to supervisor listen-in extensions.

Used in the Internal Calls standard report.

Internal Calls Unanswered

The number of internal calls that were dialled but not answered.

This includes direct calls to extensions, calls to paging groups but excludes internal transfers, calls to voicemail and to supervisor listen-in extensions.

Used in the Internal Calls standard report.

Calls transferred

The number of calls that were transferred at least once to a user or a queue.

Calls to Voicemail

The number of calls that went to voicemail.

Calls by Verified Users

The total number of calls made by active storm users.

Calls by Unverified Users

The total number of calls made by active storm users.




Avg Incoming Call Duration

The average duration of an external incoming call to your organisation.

Each duration is measured from the point of call entry to storm to the point when the call ends. Each duration includes IVR and queue wait times as well as hold and transfer durations.

Used in the Incoming Call Originations standard report.

Longest Incoming Call Duration

The highest call duration across all external incoming calls to your organisation's access numbers (includes transfer durations).

Shortest Incoming Call Duration

The shortest call duration across all external incoming calls to your organisation's access numbers (includes transfer durations).

Total Incoming Call Duration

The total call duration of all external incoming calls to your organisation.

Each duration is measured from the point of call entry to storm to the point when the call ends. Each duration includes IVR and queue wait times as well as hold and transfer durations.

Used in the Incoming Call Originations standard report.

Avg Incoming Hold Duration (Held Calls)

The average hold times for incoming calls from external numbers as experienced by callers and averaged across only those incoming external calls with non-zero hold times.

Includes the auto-hold time experienced by callers during call transfers.

Longest Incoming Hold Duration

The longest hold time of an incoming call from an external number as experienced by the caller.

Includes the auto-hold time experienced by callers during call transfers.

Total Incoming Hold Duration

The total hold times for incoming calls from external numbers as experienced by callers. This is for all calls irrespective of whether they came in via queues.

Includes the auto-hold time experienced by callers during call transfers.

This is similar to the 'Total Hold Duration' metric in the CONTACT Actions data source.

Avg Outgoing Ringing Duration

The average ringing duration across all outgoing calls.

Longest Outgoing Ringing Duration

The longest ringing duration on an outgoing call.

Shortest Outgoing Ringing Duration

The shortest ringing duration on an outgoing call.

Total Outgoing Ringing Duration

The total ringing duration for all outgoing calls.

Longest Outgoing Call Duration

The highest call duration across all manual outgoing external calls from your organisation as experienced by the called party.

On calling a busy party, the telephone network may connect the call to play a busy message resulting in a non-zero call duration.

Shortest Outgoing Call Duration

The shortest duration of manual outgoing external calls from your organisation as experienced by the called party.

On calling a busy party, the telephone network may connect the call to play a busy message resulting in a non-zero call duration.

Avg Outgoing Talk Duration

The average talk duration on a manual outgoing call.

Used in the standard reports: Outgoing Call Destinations, and Outgoing Callers.

Total Outgoing Talk Duration

The total talk duration on manual outgoing calls.

Used in the standard reports: Outgoing Call Destinations, and Outgoing Callers.

Avg Outgoing Hold Duration

The average duration for which user held a manual outgoing call.

Used in the standard reports: Outgoing Call Destinations, and Outgoing Callers.

Total Outgoing Hold Duration

The total hold duration on manual outgoing calls.

This is similar to the 'Total Hold Duration' metric in the CONTACT Actions data source.

Used in the standard reports: Outgoing Call Destinations, and Outgoing Callers.

Avg Internal Call Duration

The average duration of an internal call.

This includes direct calls to extensions, calls to paging groups but excludes internal transfers, calls to voicemail and to supervisor listen-in extensions.

Used in the Internal Calls standard report.

Longest Internal Call Duration

The longest duration of an internal call. The durations of calls transferred internally are included in the calculation.

Shortest Internal Call Duration

The shortest duration of an internal call. The durations of calls transferred internally are included in the calculation.

Total Internal Call Duration

The total duration of connected internal calls.

This includes direct calls to extensions, calls to paging groups but excludes internal transfers, calls to voicemail and to supervisor listen-in extensions.

Used in the Internal Calls standard report.

Avg Recording Duration

The average duration of a recorded call.

Shortest Recording Duration

The shortest duration of a recorded call.

Longest Recording Duration

The longest duration of a recorded call.

Total Recording Duration

The total duration of all recorded calls.





Incoming Communication Attempts


The number of external incoming communication attempts made to agents. Each attempt to route to an agent is deemed a communication attempt — there can be more than one attempt per incoming call.

Used in the Agent Groups standard report.

Equivalent real-time statistics: Received in the Agent Group module; 'INCOMING (TOTAL)' in the real-time events selector (Agents events and Agent groups events); 'TRAFFIC IN' in the real-time events selector (Agent Groups events). See the storm VIEW User Guide.

Answered Communications


The number of contacts routed to and answered by agents.

A text-based interaction such as an email is deemed to have been answered when it is routed to an agent in the agent group.

Used in the Agent Groups standard report.

Equivalent real-time statistics: Answered in the Agent Group module; 'INCOMING (ANSWERED)' in the real-time events selector (Agents events); 'All Agents Total Incoming Calls Answered' and 'TRAFFIC ANS' in the real-time events selector (Agent Groups events); Total Routed in the Queues module. See the storm VIEW User Guide.

Incoming Call Attempts


The number of external incoming call attempts made to agents.

Used in the Agent Groups and Agent Groups Chart standard reports.

Total Call Attempts (Incoming/Outgoing)

The number of incoming and outgoing calls irrespective of whether they were answered.

This is the sum of Incoming Calls Offered and Agent Outgoing Call Attempts.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

Calls Transferred to Queue

The number of external incoming calls that were transferred to another queue.

Incoming Calls Offered

The number of incoming calls offered to agents irrespective of whether they were answered. This includes offered agent transfers. It does not include callbacks offered to agents following callback requests.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

Incoming Calls Connected

The number of incoming calls that were connected to agents. This includes connected agent transfers. It does not include callbacks connected to agents following callback requests.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

% Incoming Calls Connected

The number of incoming calls that were connected to agents as a percentage of all connected incoming and outgoing calls.

It is the calculation Incoming Calls Connected ÷ (Incoming Calls Connected + Agent Outgoing Calls Connected)

Note: unanswered calls initiated from the agent desktop (storm DTA) are counted as connected.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

% Answer Rate (Connected/Offered)

The number of incoming calls that were answered by agents as a percentage of the total calls offered.

It is the ratio of Total Incoming Calls Connected to Total Incoming Calls Offered.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

Answered Calls

The number of voice contacts routed to and answered by agents.

Used in the Agent Groups and Agent Groups Chart standard reports.

Failed Calls


The number of calls that were routed to agents but did not succeed in connecting to them. This may be because, for a given agent, the agent ringing timeout may have been reached, the agent may have become unavailable, the caller hung up while the phone was ringing, or the connection failed for some other reason.

Note: failed calls are not the same as abandoned calls. A failed call is returned to the front of the queue where storm immediately attempts to route it to the next available agent.

Used in the Agent Groups standard report.

Equivalent real-time statistics: Failed in the Agent Group module; 'INCOMING (FAILED)' in the real-time events selector (Agents events); 'All Agents Total Incoming Calls Failed' and 'TRAFFIC FAIL' in the real-time events selector (Agent Groups events). See the storm VIEW User Guide.

Note: the equivalent real-time statistics do not include the case of callers hanging up during ringing.

Service Level


A calculation displaying the number of answered contacts as a percentage of the total incoming contacts.

A text-based interaction such as an email is deemed to have been answered when it is routed to an agent in the agent group.

Used in the Agent Groups standard report.

Equivalent real-time statistic: % in the Agent Group module.

Total Callback Calls

The number of callback calls. (This does not include scheduled callbacks in OUTBOUND calls.)

Answered Callback Calls

The number of callback calls that were answered by their respective callback initiators.

Used in the Agent Groups standard report.

Transfers to Agents

The number of transfers made by storm agents to other storm agents.

Transfers to External Parties

The number of transfers made by agents to external parties.

Agent Outgoing Call Attempts

The number of outgoing calls made by agents irrespective of whether they were answered.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

Agent Outgoing Calls Connected

The number of manual outgoing answered calls made by agents.

Note: unanswered calls initiated from the agent desktop (storm DTA) are counted as connected.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

% Outgoing Calls Connected

The number of outgoing calls that were connected to agents as a percentage of all connected incoming and outgoing calls.

It is the calculation Agent Outgoing Calls Connected ÷ (Incoming Calls Connected + Agent Outgoing Calls Connected)

Note: unanswered calls initiated from the agent desktop (storm DTA) are counted as connected.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

Outgoing Transfers

The number of calls transferred successfully by agents to any destination.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.




Avg Agent Ringing Duration

The average ringing duration, measuring the average speed at which a call was answered. Any ringing duration initiated by a warm transfer is not considered in the calculation.

Note: ringing durations on PSTN-paired agent phones are not included in the calculation.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

Longest Agent Ringing Duration

The longest ringing duration, measuring the slowest speed at which a call was answered. Any ringing duration initiated by a warm transfer is not considered.

Note: ringing durations on PSTN-paired agent phones are not included.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

Shortest Agent Ringing Duration

The shortest ringing duration, measuring the fastest speed at which a call was answered. Any ringing duration initiated by a warm transfer is not considered.

Note: ringing durations on PSTN-paired agent phones are not included.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

Total Agent Ringing Duration

The total ringing duration across agent phones resulting from calls routed from queues. Ringing durations initiated by warm transfers are not included.

Avg Incoming Call Handling Duration

The average time spent by agents on handling incoming calls. This includes talk, hold, and wrap-up durations.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

Avg Incoming Talk Duration

The average talk duration of an agent on an incoming call and any subsequently transferred call. The calculation includes the talk time on agent-to-agent consultations. It does not include the talk time on callbacks that were connected to agents following callback requests.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

Total Incoming Talk Duration

The total talk duration of agents on incoming calls and on calls resulting from the transfer of incoming calls. It also includes talk time on agent-to-agent consultations. It does not include talk time on callbacks that were connected to agents following callback requests.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

Avg Wrap Duration (Incoming Calls)

The average duration spent by an agent in wrap-up at the end of an incoming call.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

Longest Wrap Duration (Incoming Calls)

The longest time spent by agents in wrap-up at the end of incoming calls.

Shortest Wrap Duration (Incoming Calls)

The shortest time spent by agents in wrap-up at the end of incoming calls.

Total Wrap Duration (Incoming Calls)

The total time spent by agents in wrap-up at the end of incoming calls.

This is similar to the 'Total Wrap Duration' metric in the CONTACT Actions data source.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

Agent Incoming Hold Duration

The total agent hold duration on external incoming calls.

Total Callback Talk Duration

The total time agents spent talking during callback calls. This does not include scheduled callbacks in OUTBOUND calls.

Total Callback Hold Duration

The total time agents spent on hold during callback calls. This does not include scheduled callbacks in OUTBOUND calls.

Total Callback Wrap Duration

The total time agents spent in wrap following callback calls. This does not include scheduled callbacks in OUTBOUND calls.

Avg Agent Outgoing Talk Duration

The average talk duration of an agent in an outgoing call. The calculation excludes any consultation talk time between agents during internal transfers.

Note: each call initiated from the agent desktop (storm DTA) will give a slightly higher talk time (in the order of seconds) as it includes the connected time on the first call from storm to the agent.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

Agent Outgoing Talk Duration

The talk duration of agents on outgoing calls. This excludes any consultation talk time between agents during internal transfers.

Note: each call initiated from the agent desktop (storm DTA) will give a slightly higher talk time (in the order of seconds) as it includes the connected time on the first call from storm to the agent.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

Avg Wrap Duration (Outgoing Calls)

The average time an agent spent in wrap-up at the end of an outgoing call.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

Total Wrap Duration (Outgoing Calls)

The average time an agent spent in wrap-up at the end of an outgoing call.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

Avg Agent Talk Duration

The average talk duration for an agent. The calculation includes talk durations in incoming calls, transferred calls, and outgoing calls.

Note: each call initiated from the agent desktop (storm DTA) will give a slightly higher talk time (in the order of seconds) as it includes the connected time on the first call from storm to the agent.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

Total Agent Talk Duration

The total talk duration in incoming and outgoing calls.

This is the sum of Total Incoming Talk Duration and Agent Outgoing Talk Duration.

Note: each call initiated from the agent desktop (storm DTA) will give a slightly higher talk time (in the order of seconds) as it includes the connected time on the first call from storm to the agent.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

Avg Wrap Duration (Incoming/Outgoing)

The average time spent by an agent in wrap-up at the end of incoming and outgoing calls.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.

Total Wrap Duration

The total time spent by agents in wrap-up at the end of incoming and outgoing calls.

Used in the Agent Performance standard report.




Total Transactions

The total number of LOCK and PADLOCK payment transaction attempts.

Total Payment Value

The total monetary value of all LOCK and PADLOCK transactions submitted to payment providers (in minor currency such as pence or cents).


These metrics apply to storm LINK™, where an agent clicks a button in storm DTA to send an interaction link to the external party via an SMS text message (currently, only interaction links to video conferencing are supported).



Attempted LINK Video Interactions

The total number of in-call SMS messages that were sent to external parties via LINK inviting them to join a video conference.

Successful LINK Video Interactions

The total number of in-call SMS messages that were sent to external parties via LINK inviting them to join a video conference and resulting in both parties connecting successfully.

Unaccepted LINK Video Interactions

The total number of in-call SMS messages that were sent to external parties via LINK inviting them to join a video conference and resulting in the external parties not accepting the invitations.

Failed LINK Video Interactions

The total number of in-call SMS messages that were sent to external parties via LINK inviting them to join a video conference and which resulted in neither party joining.





OUTBOUND Connected Calls

The number of OUTBOUND calls that were connected to contacts and answered by agents.

Used in the OUTBOUND Agent Campaigns standard report.

OUTBOUND Preview Rejected Calls

The number of calls that were rejected by agents in a preview campaign.

Used in the OUTBOUND Agent Campaigns standard report.




Avg OUTBOUND Talk Duration

The average agent talk time in an OUTBOUND dialler call.

Used in the OUTBOUND Agent Campaigns standard report.

Total OUTBOUND Talk Duration

The total agent talk duration in OUTBOUND dialler calls.

Used in the OUTBOUND Agent Campaigns standard report.

Avg OUTBOUND Hold Duration

The average agent hold time in an OUTBOUND dialler call.

Used in the OUTBOUND Agent Campaigns standard report.

Total OUTBOUND Hold Duration

The total agent hold duration in OUTBOUND dialler calls.

Used in the OUTBOUND Agent Campaigns standard report.

Avg OUTBOUND Wrap Duration

The average agent wrap-up time at the end of an OUTBOUND dialler call.

Used in the OUTBOUND Agent Campaigns standard report.

Total OUTBOUND Wrap Duration

The total agent wrap-up time at the end of OUTBOUND dialler calls.

Used in the OUTBOUND Agent Campaigns standard report.


These metrics are for information reported by the storm MATRIX® audio conferencing application.



Abandoned Calls

The number of callers who hung up before being connected to an operator.

Equivalent real-time statistics: '<conf name> Abandoned Call Count' and 'All Conferences Abandoned Call Count' in the real-time events selector (Conferences events). See the storm VIEW User Guide.

Avg Answer Duration

The average duration for an operator to answer a call in a waiting area.

Longest Answer Duration

The longest duration for an operator to answer a call in a waiting area.

Shortest Answer Duration

The shortest duration for an operator to answer a call in a waiting area.

Avg Release Duration

The average duration for an operator to release a call into a conference.

Durations are measured from when a call enters a waiting area to when the operator disconnects the call.

Longest Release Duration

The longest duration for an operator to release a call into a conference.

Durations are measured from when a call enters a waiting area to when the operator disconnects the call.

Shortest Release Duration

The shortest duration for an operator to release a call into a conference.

Durations are measured from when a call enters a waiting area to when the operator disconnects the call.





Avg Message Handling Duration


The average message-handling duration for an incoming or outgoing text-based interaction.

Longest Message Handling Duration


The longest message-handling duration for an incoming or outgoing text-based interaction.

Shortest Message Handling Duration


The shortest message-handling duration for an incoming or outgoing text-based interaction.

Total Message Handling Duration


The total message-handling duration for incoming and outgoing text-based interactions.

Note: for a web chat, the duration is measured from a guest's web-chat initiation to when the agent ended the chat. For all other forms of text-based communication, it is measured to when the message was actioned by the agent.




Incoming Emails

The number of incoming email messages.

Requeued messages are counted once.

Used in the standard reports: Incoming Communication Chart and Incoming Communication.

Queued Emails

The number of incoming emails that entered a queue. This includes re-queued and transferred emails.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

Equivalent to the real-time statistic: 'Total Entered' in the Queues module.

Routed Emails

The number of email messages that were routed to agents. As in a real-time Agent Group module, re-queued emails are recounted.

Used in the Agent Groups standard report.

Emails (Requeued & transferred)

The number of emails that were requeued or transferred to another queue.

Emails Forwarded


The number of incoming emails that were forwarded by an agent to an email destination.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

% Emails Forwarded

The number of incoming emails that were forwarded by an agent to an email destination as a percentage of emails that entered a queue.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

Emails Transferred to Queue

The number of incoming emails that were transferred by an agent to another queue.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

% Emails Transferred to Queue

The number of incoming emails that were transferred by an agent to another queue as a percentage of emails that entered a queue.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

Emails Deleted

The number of incoming emails that were deleted by an agent.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

% Emails Deleted

The number of incoming emails that were deleted by an agent as a percentage of emails that entered a queue.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

Emails Ignored

The number of incoming emails that were ignored as the result of an agent pressing the Ignore button in storm DTA.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

% Emails Ignored

The number of incoming emails that were ignored by an agent as a percentage of emails that entered a queue.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

Emails Marked For Follow Up


The number of incoming emails that were marked for follow-up by an agent.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

% Emails Marked for Follow Up

The number of incoming emails that were marked for follow up by an agent as a percentage of emails that entered a queue.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

Emails Followed Up

The number of incoming emails that were followed up by an agent (after previously being marked as requiring follow-up). This does not include emails that was originally received outside the reporting date and time range.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

% Emails Followed Up

The number of incoming emails that were followed up by an agent as a percentage of emails that entered a queue.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

Emails Requeued

The number of re-queueing instances of emails.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

% Emails Requeued

The number of re-queueing instances of emails as a percentage of emails that entered a queue.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

Emails Requeued After Timeout

The number of incoming emails that were re-queued on reaching a timeout.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

% Emails Requeued After Timeout

The number of incoming emails that were re-queued on reaching a timeout as a percentage of emails that entered a queue.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

Emails Replied To


The number of incoming emails that were replied to by agents.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

Emails Replied To (<48 hours)

The number of incoming emails that were replied to by an agent within 48 hours of being received by storm.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

% Emails Replied To (<48 hrs)

The number of incoming emails that were replied to by an agent within 48 hours of being received by storm as a percentage of emails that entered a queue.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

Email Replies

The number of incoming emails that were replied to by an agent.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

% Email Replies

The number of incoming emails that were replied to by an agent as a percentage of emails that entered a queue.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

Emails Completed

The number incoming emails that were marked as 'Done' by an agent.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

% Emails Completed

The number of incoming emails that were marked as 'Done' by an agent as a percentage of emails that entered a queue.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

Emails Initiated

The total number of outbound emails initiated by agents.

Outgoing Email Messages

The number of email messages that agents initiated or which were replies to incoming messages. Messages sent out in Email OUTBOUND campaigns are included.

Used in the Outgoing Communication standard report.

Avg Email Handling Duration

The average time taken by an agent to handle an email.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

Longest Email Handling Duration

The longest time taken by an agent to handle an email.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

Shortest Email Handling Duration

The shortest time taken by an agent to handle an email.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.

Total Email Handling Duration

The total time taken by agents to handle emails.

Used in the Email Queues standard report.




SMS Messages

The total number of SMS/MMS messages received, initiated, and replied to.

Incoming SMS Messages

The number of incoming SMS messages.

Used in the standard reports: Incoming Communication Chart, Incoming Communication, SMS Queues, and Agent Groups.

Outgoing SMS Messages

The number of SMS messages that agents initiated or which were replies to incoming messages. Messages sent out in SMS OUTBOUND campaigns are excluded.

Used in the Outgoing Communication standard report.

Ignored SMS Messages

The number of incoming SMS messages that were ignored by an agent.

Used in the SMS Queues standard report.

Deleted SMS Messages

The number of incoming SMS messages that were deleted by an agent.

Used in the SMS Queues standard report.

Avg SMS Handling Duration

The average time taken by an agent to handle an SMS message.

Used in the SMS Queues standard report.

Longest SMS Handling Duration

The longest time taken by an agent to handle an SMS message.

Used in the SMS Queues standard report.

Shortest SMS Handling Duration

The shortest time taken by an agent to handle an SMS message.

Used in the SMS Queues standard report.

Total SMS Handling Duration

The total time taken by agents to handle SMS messages.

Used in the SMS Queues standard report.

Web Chat

For Web Chat 1.0 only. For Web Chat 2.0, use the metrics in the 'All' sub-category of Messages and Digital Channels.



Connected Web Chats


The number of connected web chat sessions.

Used in the standard reports: Incoming Communication Chart, Incoming Communication, Web Chat Queues, and Agent Groups.

Web Chats Lost in Queue

The total number of web chats that were lost in queues.

Avg Web Chat Duration

The average duration of a web chat session. The duration of every web chat session transferred from one agent to another is included in the calculation.

Used in the Web Chat Queues standard report.

Longest Web Chat Duration

The longest amount of time taken to handle a web chat message.

Shortest Web Chat Duration

The shortest amount of time taken to handle a web chat message.

Total Web Chat Duration

The total of time taken by agents to handle web chat sessions.

Used in the Web Chat Queues standard report.

Avg Agent Time to Respond to Web Chat

The average time taken by an agent to respond to a guest message in a web chat session.

Used in the Web Chat Queues standard report.

Avg Web Chat Handling Duration


The average time taken by an agent to handle a web chat session.

Used in the Web Chat Queues standard report.

Note: a duration measures the length of a session from the agent's perspective, which can persist after the guest has ended the chat. It ends at the point when the agent ends the chat.

Digital Channels




Total Social Media Messages

The total number of incoming social media messages. Unlike in a real-time Agent Group module, re-queued messages are not recounted.

Used in the Incoming Communication Chart standard report.




Facebook Posts

The number of Facebook posts.

Used in the standard reports: Incoming Communication and Agent Groups.

Facebook Public Messages

The number of Facebook Public messages.

Used in the Facebook Queues for Public Messages standard report.

Facebook DMs

The number of Facebook Direct Messages.

Used in the Facebook Queues for Direct Messages standard report.

Avg Facebook Public Message Handling Duration

The average time taken by an agent to handle a Facebook Public message.

Used in the Facebook Queues for Public Messages standard report.

Facebook Public Message Handling Duration

The total time taken by agents to handle Facebook Public messages.

Used in the Facebook Queues for Public Messages standard report.

Avg Facebook DM Handling Duration

The average time taken by an agent to handle a Facebook Direct message.

Used in the Facebook Queues for Direct Messages standard report.

Facebook DM Handling Duration

The total time taken by agents to handle Facebook Direct messages.

Used in the Facebook Queues for Direct Messages standard report.




Twitter Messages

The number of incoming Twitter messages (Public and Direct).

Used in the standard reports: Incoming Communication and Agent Groups.


The number of incoming Twitter public messages.

Used in the Twitter Queues for Public Messages standard report.

Twitter DMs

The number of incoming Twitter Direct Messages.

Used in the Twitter Queues for Direct Messages standard report.

Outgoing Twitter Messages

The number of outgoing Twitter Public and Twitter Direct messages from your organisation.

Used in the Outgoing Communication standard report.

Avg Tweet Handling Duration

The average time taken by an agent to handle a Twitter Public message.

Used in the Twitter Queues for Public Messages standard report.

Longest Tweet Handling Duration

The longest amount of time taken by an agent to handle a Twitter Public message.

Shortest Tweet Handling Duration

The shortest amount of time taken by an agent to handle a Twitter Public message.

Total Tweet Handling Duration

The total time taken by agents to handle Twitter Public messages.

Used in the Twitter Queues for Public Messages standard report.

Avg Twitter DM Handling Duration

The average time taken by an agent to handle a Twitter Public message.

Used in the Twitter Queues for Direct Messages standard report.

Longest Twitter DM Handling Duration

The longest amount of time taken by an agent to handle a Twitter Direct Message.

Shortest Twitter DM Handling Duration

The shortest amount of time taken by an agent to handle a Twitter Direct Message.

Total Twitter DM Handling Duration

The total time taken by agents to handle Twitter Direct messages.

Used in the Used in the Twitter Queues for Direct Messages standard report.