Outgoing Communication

This report displays the total number of manual outgoing communications that occurred across all channels in your organisation. It provides visibility of storm users who initiated voice calls, or users who initiated or replied to SMS, email, and social media messages. You can filter the dashboard report to show voice calls only, text-based interactions only, or both.


Note: not all columns are shown (see below for full details).

Basic Information



Custom or data export




Historical Data Source

CONTACT Data Records

Supported formats


Dimensions and Metrics

The report is broken down by the Date and Hour of Day dimensions. The following metrics are displayed for each date, or for the hours of the day on a selected date:



Outgoing Communications

The number of outgoing communications across all channels from your organisation. OUTBOUND dialler calls are excluded.

Outgoing Calls (Manual)

The number of manual outgoing external calls from your organisation. This includes any attempts to dial external parties during consultation calls.

Outgoing SMS Messages

The number of SMS messages that agents initiated or which were replies to incoming messages. Messages sent out in SMS OUTBOUND campaigns are excluded.

Outgoing Email Messages

The number of email messages that agents initiated or which were replies to incoming messages. Messages sent out in Email OUTBOUND campaigns are included.

Outgoing Twitter Messages

The number of outgoing Twitter Public and Twitter Direct messages from your organisation.

Report Filters



Configurable on dashboard?

Communication Type

Displays statistics across all communication channels.

Yes. Use the filter to include or exclude the call or message interaction types:


Voice interactions


SMS, email, and social media interactions


This setting does not apply to this report

For instructions on applying filters to a dashboard report, see Filter a Historical Report'.