General Reports

This section documents reports that are useful in a contact centre and back office setting.


What Does it Show?

Incoming Communications Chart

This report displays the number of incoming communications to your organisation across selected channels in a choice of formats.

Incoming Communication

This report displays the number of incoming communications to your organisation across all channels in a tabular format.

Incoming Hourly Calls Chart

This report displays the distribution of incoming calls that were made to your organisation's access numbers by hour of day allowing you to easily identify the busy and quiet periods of selected days.

Outgoing Communication

This report displays the total number of manual outgoing communications that occurred across all channels in your organisation.

Incoming Call Originations

This report displays the originating numbers from which calls arrived at storm. It also shows each call duration, which is measured from when the call entered storm to when the call ended.

Outgoing Call Destinations

This report displays the number of manual calls that were made by storm users to external telephone numbers as well as call durations.

Outgoing Callers

This report displays manual outgoing calls that were made by storm users and also the call durations.

Internal Calls

This report displays all internal calls in your organisation, irrespective of whether the calls were answered. This includes direct calls to user extensions and to paging groups.

IVR Performance

This report displays statistics relating to calls handled by Interactive Voice Response (IVR) FLOW scripts such as the number of incoming calls to each script and the caller duration in each.

Communication Details

This report is a data export of raw unfiltered data for all communications in your organisation and across all channels.