IVR Performance

This report displays statistics relating to calls handled by Interactive Voice Response (IVR) FLOW scripts such as the number of incoming calls to each script and the caller duration in each. This may help you to gauge the efficiency of your services. You can filter the dashboard report to show calls to particular scripts.


Basic Information



Custom or data export



Historical Data Source

CONTACT Data Records

Supported formats


Dimensions and Metrics

The report is broken down by the Initial Script (renamed to IVR in this report) and Hour dimensions. The following metrics are displayed for each IVR, or for the hours of the day for a selected IVR:



Incoming Calls

The number of external incoming calls to IVRs in your organisation.

Ended in IVR

The number of incoming communications that were routed to IVRs but not subsequently routed to queues from those IVRs. Callers may have hung up in the IVRs or the calls routed to another destination such as an external number.

Total Duration in IVR

The total time spent by contacts in IVRs.


Avg Duration in IVR

The average time spent by contacts in an IVR.


Report Filters



Configurable on dashboard?

Communication Type

Only voice calls are included in the report.


Data Management Table View

Excludes scripts used in OUTBOUND campaigns.


Initial Script

Includes statistics across all scripts.

Yes. Use this filter to include or exclude individual scripts.

For instructions on applying filters to a dashboard report, see Filter a Historical Report'.


Incoming calls to DDI numbers are also listed in the report because they use system-generated IVRs. You can use the report's 'Initial Script' filter to hide these rows.

You may also see 'NumberManagement No Services' in the IVR column. This indicates calls to storm numbers that were not assigned to a route plan. The 'Lost in IVR' count for these is always 0. This row cannot be hidden.