Internal Calls

This report displays all internal calls in your organisation, irrespective of whether the calls were answered. This includes direct calls to user extensions and to paging groups. For a call to a paging group, the call to each group member is counted as an internal call. The report excludes internal calls to hunt groups and to voicemail retrieval extensions, and also supervisor calls to agent extensions during listen-in sessions. You can filter the dashboard report to show internal calls made by particular users.


Note: not all columns are shown (see below for full details).

Basic Information



Custom or data export



Historical Data Source

CONTACT Data Records

Supported formats


Dimensions and Metrics

The report is broken down by the Caller Username, Called Username, Date, and Hour of Day dimensions.

The following metrics are displayed for each caller, or for the hours of the day on a selected date to a particular user (for a selected caller):



Internal Calls

The number of internal calls in your organisation.

Internal Calls Connected

The number of answered internal calls.

Internal Calls Busy

The number of internal calls made that were met with a busy tone.

Internal Calls Unanswered

The number of internal calls that were dialled but not answered.

Total Internal Call Duration

The total duration of connected internal calls.


Avg Internal Call Duration

The average duration of an internal call.


Report Filters



Configurable on dashboard?

Caller Username

Displays statistics for all storm users.

Yes. Use the filter to include or exclude particular users.

To revert to showing all users, set the filter to 'Not Equal to' followed by an empty string.

DTA Initiated?

The 'False' setting ensures that only the required leg of the call is included.


From Transfer?

Excludes calls that resulted from transfers. 



Internal Caller?

Excludes calls that were not initiated by storm users.


Call Direction

The 'Outbound' setting excludes the inbound communication leg of each call.


For instructions on applying filters to a dashboard report, see Filter a Historical Report'.