Agent Performance

This report displays historical agent performance statistics for incoming calls routed through queues and also statistics for outgoing calls. Statistics such as ringing duration, answer rate and durations on calls can help you to optimise the performance of your agents. You can filter the dashboard report to show performance for particular agents.


Note: not all columns are shown (see below for full details).

Basic Information



Custom or data export



Historical Data Source

CONTACT Data Records

Supported formats


Dimensions and Metrics

The report is broken down by the Local Agent, and Date dimensions. The following metrics are displayed for each agent, or for a list of dates for a selected agent. In the table below, a thicker line is used to aid readability by separating groups of metrics with a common theme (for example, separating incoming call metrics from outgoing call metrics).



Avg Agent Ringing Duration

The average ringing duration, measuring the average speed at which a call was answered. Any ringing duration initiated by a warm transfer is not considered in the calculation.

Note: ringing durations on PSTN-paired agent phones are not included in the calculation.

Measured in the unit of seconds.

Shortest Agent Ringing Duration

The shortest ringing duration, measuring the fastest speed at which a call was answered. Any ringing duration initiated by a warm transfer is not considered.

Note: ringing durations on PSTN-paired agent phones are not included.

Measured in the unit of seconds.

Longest Agent Ringing Duration

The longest ringing duration, measuring the slowest speed at which a call was answered. Any ringing duration initiated by a warm transfer is not considered.

Note: ringing durations on PSTN-paired agent phones are not included.

Measured in the unit of seconds.

Incoming Calls Offered

The number of incoming calls offered to agents irrespective of whether they were answered. This includes offered agent transfers. It does not include callbacks offered to agents following callback requests.

For callback reporting, see the callback reports (Queue Callback Summary, Queue Callback Requests, and Queue Callbacks Serviced).

Incoming Calls Connected

The number of incoming calls that were connected to agents. This includes connected agent transfers. It does not include callbacks connected to agents following callback requests.

For callback reporting, see the callback reports (Queue Callback Summary, Queue Callback Requests, and Queue Callbacks Serviced).

% Incoming Calls Connected

The number of incoming calls that were connected to agents as a percentage of all connected incoming and outgoing calls.

It is the calculation Incoming Calls Connected ÷ (Incoming Calls Connected + Agent Outgoing Calls Connected)

Note: unanswered calls initiated from the agent desktop (storm DTA) are counted as connected.

% Answer Rate (Connected/Offered)

The number of incoming calls that were answered by agents as a percentage of the total calls offered.

It is the ratio of Total Incoming Calls Connected to Total Incoming Calls Offered.

Total Incoming Talk Duration

The total talk duration of agents on incoming calls and on calls resulting from the transfer of incoming calls. It also includes talk time on agent-to-agent consultations. It does not include talk time on callbacks that were connected to agents following callback requests.


For callback reporting, see the callback reports Queue Callback Summary, Queue Callback Requests, and Queue Callbacks Serviced.

Avg Incoming Talk Duration

The average talk duration of an agent on an incoming call and any subsequently transferred call. The calculation includes the talk time on agent-to-agent consultations. It does not include the talk time on callbacks that were connected to agents following callback requests.


For callback reporting, see the callback reports Queue Callback Summary, Queue Callback Requests, and Queue Callbacks Serviced.

Total Wrap Duration (Incoming Calls)

The total time spent by agents in wrap-up at the end of incoming calls.


Avg Wrap Duration (Incoming Calls)

The average duration spent by an agent in wrap-up at the end of an incoming call.


Avg Incoming Call Handling Duration

The average time spent by agents on handling incoming calls. This includes talk, hold, and wrap-up durations.


Outgoing Transfers

The number of calls transferred successfully by agents to any destination.

Agent Outgoing Call Attempts

The number of outgoing calls made by agents irrespective of whether they were answered.

Agent Outgoing Calls Connected

The number of manual outgoing answered calls made by agents.

Note: unanswered calls initiated from the agent desktop (storm DTA) are counted as connected.

% Outgoing Calls Connected

The number of outgoing calls that were connected to agents as a percentage of all connected incoming and outgoing calls.

It is the calculation Agent Outgoing Calls Connected ÷ (Incoming Calls Connected + Agent Outgoing Calls Connected)

Note: unanswered calls initiated from the agent desktop (storm DTA) are counted as connected.

Agent Outgoing Talk Duration

The talk duration of agents on outgoing calls. This excludes any consultation talk time between agents during internal transfers.

Note: each call initiated from the agent desktop (storm DTA) will give a slightly higher talk time (in the order of seconds) as it includes the connected time on the first call from storm to the agent.


Avg Agent Outgoing Talk Duration

The average talk duration of an agent in an outgoing call. The calculation excludes any consultation talk time between agents during internal transfers.

Note: each call initiated from the agent desktop (storm DTA) will give a slightly higher talk time (in the order of seconds) as it includes the connected time on the first call from storm to the agent.


Total Wrap Duration (Outgoing Calls)

The total duration spent by agents in wrap-up at the end of outgoing calls.


Avg Wrap Duration (Outgoing Calls)

The average time an agent spent in wrap-up at the end of an outgoing call.


Total Call Attempts (Incoming/Outgoing)

The number of incoming and outgoing calls irrespective of whether they were answered.

This is the sum of Incoming Calls Offered and Agent Outgoing Call Attempts.

Total Agent Talk Duration

The total talk duration in incoming and outgoing calls.

This is the sum of Total Incoming Talk Duration and Agent Outgoing Talk Duration.

Note: each call initiated from the agent desktop (storm DTA) will give a slightly higher talk time (in the order of seconds) as it includes the connected time on the first call from storm to the agent.


Avg Agent Talk Duration

The average talk duration for an agent. The calculation includes talk durations in incoming calls, transferred calls, and outgoing calls.

Note: each call initiated from the agent desktop (storm DTA) will give a slightly higher talk time (in the order of seconds) as it includes the connected time on the first call from storm to the agent.


Total Wrap Duration

The total time spent by agents in wrap-up at the end of incoming and outgoing calls.


Avg Wrap Duration (Incoming/Outgoing)

The average time spent by an agent in wrap-up at the end of incoming and outgoing calls.


Report Filters



Configurable on dashboard?

Local Agent

Includes statistics for all agents.

Yes. Use the filter to include or exclude individual agents.

For instructions on applying filters to a dashboard report, see Filter a Historical Report'.