Email Queues

This report displays the total number of incoming emails to ACD queues, allowing you to check on historical queue performance. It also indicates how emails were handled by agents (for example, replied to, ignored, and followed up). The report does not include email actions that were performed as part of a follow up action. You can filter the dashboard report to show statistics for particular queues.


Note: not all columns are shown (see below for full details).

Basic Information



Custom or data export



Historical Data Source

CONTACT Data Records

Supported formats


Dimensions and Metrics

The report is broken down by the Queue, Date, and Hour dimensions. The following metrics are displayed for each queue, or for the hour of the day on a selected date for a selected queue.



Queued Emails

The number of incoming emails that entered a queue. This includes re-queued and transferred emails.

Email Replies

The number of incoming emails that were replied to by an agent.

% Email Replies

The number of incoming emails that were replied to by an agent as a percentage of emails that entered a queue.

Emails Replied To (<48 hours)

The number of incoming emails that were replied to by an agent within 48 hours of being received by storm.

% Emails Replied To (<48 hrs)

The number of incoming emails that were replied to by an agent within 48 hours of being received by storm as a percentage of emails that entered a queue.

Emails Requeued

The number of re-queueing instances of emails.

% Emails Requeued

The number of re-queueing instances of emails as a percentage of emails that entered a queue.

Emails Requeued After Timeout

The number of incoming emails that were re-queued on reaching a timeout.

% Emails Requeued After Timeout

The number of incoming emails that were re-queued on reaching a timeout as a percentage of emails that entered a queue.

Emails Forwarded

The number of incoming emails that were forwarded by an agent to an email destination.

% Emails Forwarded

The number of incoming emails that were forwarded by an agent to an email destination as a percentage of emails that entered a queue.

Emails Transferred to Queue

The number of incoming emails that were transferred by an agent to another queue.

% Emails Transferred to Queue

The number of incoming emails that were transferred by an agent to another queue as a percentage of emails that entered a queue.

Emails Completed

The number incoming emails that were marked as 'Done' by an agent.

% Emails Completed

The number of incoming emails that were marked as 'Done' by an agent as a percentage of emails that entered a queue.

Emails Ignored

The number of incoming emails that were ignored as the result of an agent pressing the Ignore button in storm DTA.

% Emails Ignored

The number of incoming emails that were ignored by an agent as a percentage of emails that entered a queue.

Emails Deleted

The number of incoming emails that were deleted by an agent.

% Emails Deleted

The number of incoming emails that were deleted by an agent as a percentage of emails that entered a queue.

Emails Marked for Follow Up

The number of incoming emails that were marked for follow-up by an agent.

% Emails Marked for Follow Up

The number of incoming emails that were marked for follow up by an agent as a percentage of emails that entered a queue.

Emails Followed Up

The number of incoming emails that were followed up by an agent (after previously being marked as requiring follow-up). This does not include emails that was originally received outside the reporting date and time range.

% Emails Followed Up

The number of incoming emails that were followed up by an agent as a percentage of emails that entered a queue.

Avg Email Handling Duration

The average time taken by an agent to handle an email.


Shortest Email Handling Duration

The shortest time taken by an agent to handle an email.


Longest Email Handling Duration

The longest time taken by an agent to handle an email.


Total Email Handling Duration

The total time taken by agents to handle emails.


Report Filters



Configurable on dashboard?

Communication Type

Includes messages only.


Message Type

Includes email messages only.



Includes emails to all queues.

Yes. Use the filter to include or exclude individual queues.

For instructions on applying filters to a dashboard report, see Filter a Historical Report'.