Conferences Events

The following real-time statistics are available for information reported by the storm MATRIX® audio conferencing application.

All Conferences



All Conferences Abandoned Call Count

The total number of callers who entered conferences but hung up before being connected to an operator. This statistic resets overnight.

The equivalent historical statistic is Abandoned Calls. See the storm VIEW Historical Data Source Reference Guide for details.

All Conferences Abandoned Answer Time

The amount of time it takes for a caller to be connected to an operator, in any conference. This is a numeric stream event which sends the last recorded value, independent of any previous values. This statistic does NOT reset overnight.

All Conferences Connected Duration

The total duration for which a caller has been connected to an operator, in any conference. This is a numeric stream event which sends the last recorded value, independent of any previous values.

All Conferences Connected to Operator Call Count

The total number of callers who have connected to an operator. This statistic resets overnight.

All Conferences Connected to Operator Call Volume

The total number of callers who are currently connected to an operator.

All Conferences Release Time

The total amount of time it takes for a call to be serviced by an operator, in any conference. This includes the full duration from a call entering a conference until the operator presses End Talk to Caller having serviced the caller. This is a numeric stream event which sends the last recorded value, independent of any previous values. This statistic does NOT reset overnight.

All Conferences Total Call Count

The total number of calls that have entered all conferences. This statistic resets overnight.

All Conferences Total Call Volume

The total number of callers who are currently connected in all conferences.

All Conferences Total Operator Call Count

The total number of operators who have dialled in to the system. This statistic resets overnight.

All Conferences Total Operator Call Volume

The total number of operators who are currently dialled in to the system.

Priority <priority> Call Count

If your organisation uses priority caller settings, a data source of this type is provided for each priority level used.

Displays the number of callers of each priority level who have been handled by the system across all conferences since statistics were last reset.

This statistic resets overnight.

Priority <priority> Call Volume

If your organisation uses priority caller settings, a data source of this type is provided for each priority level used.

Displays the number of callers of each priority level who are currently connected to any conference.

Individual Conferences and Switchboard



<conf name> Abandoned Call Count

The number of callers in this conference area who hung up without being serviced by an operator. This statistic resets overnight.

The equivalent historical statistic is Abandoned Calls when dimensioned on Abandoned Conference Name. See the storm VIEW Historical Data Source Reference Guide for details.

<conf name> Answer Time

Displays the amount of time it takes for a caller to be connected to an operator. Typically this is used for calls to a waiting area. This is a numeric stream event which sends the last recorded value, independent of any previous values. This statistic does NOT reset overnight.

<conf name> Call Count

Displays the number of callers who have entered the conference since statistics were last reset. This statistic resets overnight.

<conf name> Call Volume

Displays the number of callers currently in this conference.

<conf name> Connected Duration

The total duration for which a caller in this conference has been connected to an operator. This is the last recorded value, independent of any previous values. This statistic does NOT reset overnight.

<conf name> Release Time

This is the total amount of time it takes for a call to be serviced by an operator. This includes the duration from a call entering a conference until the operator presses End Talk to Caller having serviced the caller. This is the last recorded value, independent of any previous values. This statistic does NOT reset overnight.

<conf name> <priority> Call Count

If your organisation uses priority caller settings, a data source of this type is provided for each priority level used.

Displays the number of callers of each priority level who have connected to the conference.

This statistic resets overnight.

<conf name> <priority> Call Volume

If your organisation uses priority caller settings, a data source of this type is provided for each priority level used.

Displays the number of callers of each priority level who are currently connected to the conference.