Dimensions Reference

This section lists the dimensions that are available for you to select in the VIEW Report Builder when you wish to break down metric values in a custom report. More importantly, it tells you which data export field each dimension is related to. For information about dimensions including how they relate to data export fields, see Custom historical reports in the storm VIEW User Guide.

Date and Time Dimensions (All Data Sources)

Dimensions in CONTACT Data Records










Dimensions in CONTACT Actions

Dimensions in OUTBOUND Status Change

Dimensions in CONTACT Agent Activity

Dimensions in FLOW Action Cell Log

Dimensions in LOCK Transactions

Dimensions in Licence Usage

Dimensions in Organisation Licence Usage


Date and Time Dimensions (All Data Sources)

A set of date and time dimensions is available in all historical data sources. The following table indicates the date and time fields whose data is broken down.

Data source

Breaks down data in this date and time field

CONTACT Data Records

Call Date/Time.


Action Date/Time.

OUTBOUND Status Change

Status Change Date Time.

CONTACT Agent Activity

Status Start Date and Time

FLOW Action Cell Log

Entered Action Cell Date/Time

LOCK Transactions

Logged Date and Time (not currently available).

Licence Usage

Logged Date Time

Organisation Licence Usage

Start Date Time


See table below for available dimensions.

You can change the time zone of each date and time dimension. For details and instructions, see the section Change the report's time zone in the topic 'Create a Custom Historical Report' in the storm VIEW User Guide.


The following date and time dimensions are available in each data source.

Date and Time dimension

Breaks down data...



By date, in the format YYYY/MM/DD.


Week commencing

By week commencing date (a week starts on Monday).

WC 2018/12/24

Date (ISO)

By date, in ISO format.

Note: this is NOT available in the FLOW Action Cell Log and the LOCK Transactions data sources.



By month.


Day of Week

By day. Reports will have seven rows, one for each day of the week.


Day of Month

By the numeric day of the month.


Hour of Day

By hour of the day, in the format HH:MM.



By hour, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM.

2018/12/25 14:00

30 Minute Periods of Day

By 30 minute periods throughout a 24 hour day in the format HH:MM. For a reporting period spanning multiple days, the dimension totals your metrics in each time period for every day in the period.


30 Minute Periods (Continuous)

For each 30 minute period in the range for which the report is run, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM. For a reporting period spanning multiple days, the report shows a continuous list of 30 minute time periods for all selected days.

2018/12/25 14:30

15 Minute Periods of Day

By 15 minute periods throughout a 24 hour day in the format HH:MM. For a reporting period spanning multiple days, the dimension totals your metrics in each time period for every day in the period.


15 Minute Periods of Day (Continuous)

For each 15 minute period in the range for which the report is run, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM. For a reporting period spanning multiple days, the report shows a continuous list of 15 minute time periods for all selected days.

2018/12/25 14:45

Week Number

By the number of the week in the calendar year. A week starts on the day determined by an organisation-level parameter set by Content Guru. The default is ISO, where a week is Monday to Sunday. Other available settings are UK, US, and ISLAM. To use any one of these, contact your local support representative. Depending on this setting, the maximum value can be 53.

Note: this is available in the following data sources only: CONTACT Data Records, FLOW Action Cell Log, and LOCK Transactions.


Dimensions in CONTACT Data Records

Dimensions and their field mappings in the CONTACT Data Records data source are listed below:



Breaks down data in this field

Organisation Hierarchy

Organisation Name

Originating Address

Originating Address

Destination Address

Destination Address



Breaks down data in this field



Access Number Description

Access Number Description

Route Plan

Route Plan

Routing Schedule

Routing Schedule

CLI Group

CLI Group

Mailbox ID

Mailbox ID



Breaks down data in this field

Initial Script

Initial Script

Script Reached

Script Reached

First Menu Option

First Menu Option

Second Menu Option

Second Menu Option

Third Menu Option

Third Menu Option

Received Digits

Received Digits

Last Prompt

Last Prompt



Breaks down data in this field

Caller User Group

Caller User Group

Caller Extension

Caller Extension

Caller Username

Caller Username

Caller User <Miscellaneous 1>

Caller User <Miscellaneous 1>

Caller User <Miscellaneous 2>

Caller User <Miscellaneous 2>

CLI Presentation

CLI Presentation

Called User Group

Called User Group

Called Extension

Called Extension

Called Username

Called Username

Called User <Miscellaneous 1>

Called User <Miscellaneous 1>

Called User <Miscellaneous 2>

Called User <Miscellaneous 2>

Call Treatment

Call Treatment

Voicemail Mailbox ID

Voicemail Mailbox ID

Shared Call Reference

Shared Call Reference



Breaks down data in this field



Queue ID

Queue ID

Associated Queue

No associated field. For incoming text-based communications that have not been processed, these are the names of the queues the messages are being held in.

Original Queue

Original Queue

Original Queue ID

Original Queue ID

Original Connected Queue

Original Connected Queue

Original Connected Queue ID

Original Connected Queue ID

Last Connected Queue

Last Connected Queue

Last Connected Queue ID

Last Connected Queue ID

Agent Group

Agent Group

If an agent group contains other agent groups (subgroups), the statistics for the subgroups are not included in the parent agent group.

Agent Group ID

Agent Group ID

Original Connected Agent Group

Original Connected Agent Group

Original Connected Agent Group ID

Original Connected Agent Group ID

Last Connected Agent Group

Last Connected Agent Group

Last Connected Agent Group ID

Last Connected Agent Group ID

Last Connected User Username

Last Connected User

Last Connected User <Miscellaneous 1>

Last Connected User <Miscellaneous 1>

Last Connected User <Miscellaneous 2>

Last Connected User <Miscellaneous 2>

Local Agent

Local Agent



Agent ID

Agent ID

Original Connected Agent

Original Connected Agent

Original Connected Agent ID

Original Connected Agent ID

Last Connected Agent

Last Connected Agent

Last Connected Agent ID

Last Connected Agent ID

Call Completion Code

Call Completion Code



Breaks down data in this field

Transaction Result

Transaction Result



Breaks down data in this field

Data Management Table

Data Management Table

Data Management Table View

Data Management Table View

Data Management Row ID

Data Management Row ID



Breaks down data in this field

Initial Conference

Initial Conference

Abandoned Conference Name

Abandoned Conference Name

Contact Name

Contact Name

Caller Operator

Caller Operator

Answering Operator

Answering Operator

Dimensions in CONTACT Actions

Dimensions and their field mappings in the CONTACT Actions data source are listed below:


Breaks down data in this field



Queue ID

Queue ID



Agent ID

Agent ID



User ID

User ID

Dimensions in OUTBOUND Status Change

Dimensions and their field mappings in the OUTBOUND Status Change data source are listed below:


Breaks down data in this field

Dial Reference

Dial Reference

Data Management Table

Data Management Table

Data Management View

Data Management Table View

Data Management Row ID

Data Management Row ID

Agent Name

Agent Name

Dimensions in CONTACT Agent Activity

Dimensions and their field mappings in the CONTACT Agent Activity data source are listed below:


Breaks down data in this field



Agent ID

Agent ID

User ID

User ID

User <Miscellaneous 1>

User <Miscellaneous 1>

User <Miscellaneous 2>

User <Miscellaneous 2>

Status Description




Queue ID

Queue ID

Custom Status Code

Custom Status Code

Dimensions in FLOW Action Cell Log

Dimensions and their field mappings in the FLOW Action Cell Log data source are listed below:


Breaks down data in this field

Call Reference Number

Call Reference Number

Initial Script

Initial Script

Previous Action Cell ID

Previous Action Cell ID

Entered Action Cell ID

Entered Action Cell ID

Current Script

Current Script

Script Version

Script Version

Dimensions in LOCK Transactions

Dimensions and their field mappings in the LOCK Transactions data source are listed below:


Breaks down data in this field

Transaction Result

Transaction Result

Auth Type

Auth Type

Dimensions in Licence Usage

Dimensions and their field mappings in the Licence Usage data source are listed below:


Breaks down data in this field

Licence Type

Licence Type



User ID

User ID

User Full Name

User Full Name



Site ID

Site ID

User Group

User Group

User Group ID

User Group ID

Dimensions in Organisation Licence Usage

Dimensions and their field mappings in the Organisation Licence Usage data source are listed below:


Breaks down data in this field

Licence Type

Licence Type