LOCK Transactions Data Source

A record is written to the LOCK Transactions historical data source whenever a payment transaction result is received from the payment service provider.

Transaction result



The payment was authorised by the provider.


The payment was refused by the provider.


An error occurred.

The data record is written to various data fields, which you can include in your data export reports. Some data fields are always populated with data whilst others may be populated depending on the communication scenario.

Note: there is a set of largely equivalent LOCK/PADLOCK data export fields in the CONTACT Data Records data source. In that data source, the data export fields provide, in a single record, the final outcome of a set of payment transaction attempts. In this, the LOCK Transactions data source, the fields provide, in a single record, the details of an individual payment transaction attempt.

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Data Export Fields in LOCK Transactions

Provides a detailed description of each data export field in this data source and shows how the field is populated for the different parts on an interaction. There is a topic for each data export field.

The information will help you to interpret and build data export report. Each topic in this section also indicates whether the data export report supports a filter, a dimension, or both. Knowing that a data export field supports a filter means that you can design metrics to include or exclude values reported the field. Knowing that a data export field supports a dimension means that you can break down metric values in a custom report on the basis of values reported in the field.

Metrics in LOCK Transactions

Provides a detailed description of the standard metrics in this data source. You use metrics to create Custom Historical Reports.