Filters in a Historical Data Export Report

Administrators only

Applying one or more filters to a historical data export report hides data rows from the report allowing you to see a more refined view of the data.

In the report above, the Talk Time filter, when configured with a value as shown, causes the report to show only those data records where the 'Talk Time' values are greater than or equal to 2 minutes.

You, as the report designer, can choose whether a filter used in a data export report should be available on the dashboard for use by supervisors.

Filters can be of the following types:

Filter type

How it works

List of options

Includes or excludes values from a list of limited values, such as names of agents, agent groups, and queues. For example:

Note: if filters are missing, your storm administrator may have restricted you from seeing them. See Effect of Access Profiles on Dashboard Statistics.

Boolean values

Selects one of two values. For example:

Logic statement for numeric values

Defines a range of values using a relational operator (such as 'equal to' or 'greater than') and a numeric value. For example:

Depending on what is selected as the first relational operator, additional AND or OR conditions can be used.

Logic statement for strings

Defines whole or partial strings using a relational operator (such as 'equal to' or 'starts with') and a string value. For example:

Depending on what is selected as the first relational operator, additional OR conditions can be used.

See also, Add Filters to a Data Export Report.