Historical Data Export Reports

Administrators only

A data export report shows raw communication data written by storm applications to a particular historical data source and for a user-defined date and time range. This is useful for analysis and troubleshooting. For example, you may wish to check if a call was received by storm at a particular time and to see the caller's phone number. Or, you may wish to see the queue wait times and agent talk times for each call that arrived through a queue.

Shown below is the structure of a data export report. This particular example is showing data from the CONTACT Data Records data source.





A selection of data export fields from a historical data source.

The raw application data records for the selected date and time range.

A data record is generated when an interaction or part of an interaction ends. For example, in a report using data from the CONTACT Data Records data source, an inbound leg is generated when an interaction from a caller arrives at storm (the first part of the interaction); an outbound leg is generated when the call to the answering agent ends. In a busy contact centre where tens or hundreds of interaction are in progress at the same time, data records for the different interactions may well be interspersed in a data export report.

For example, in the CONTACT Data Records report below, the first and third rows are the inbound and outbound legs of the same call. The second row is for another call that arrived at storm before the first call had ended.


2020-05-14 11:48:32



Craig Milliband



2020-05-14 11:48:44



Edward Redwood



2020-05-14 11:48:59



Craig Milliband


Some data sources provide fields for tying together the various records in an interaction. In the CONTACT Data Records data source, the Shared Call Reference field is populated by a unique number for the different part of a call handed by the storm UC/CONTACT application.

Explore Further

Historical Data Sources

Data Export Report Design Strategy

Filters in a Historical Data Export Report