Data Export Report Design Strategy

Administrators only

Although the order of the data export fields you wish to report on in a data export report is not important, troubleshooting and analysis of interactions may be easier if the fields are arranged in an order that tracks the journey of interactions through storm. For example, an incoming interaction always arrives at a storm access point. From there, it typically progresses to an IVR, a queue, an agent group and then to an agent. Considering this, the arrangement of data export fields in a simple report in the CONTACT Data Records data source may look like something like this:


Call Date/Time

Call Direction

Originating Address


Initial Script

Time Spent in IVR


Total Queue Wait Time

Agent Group

Local Agent

Talk Time

Wrap Time

Agent Completion Code


Depending on how your organisation or contact centre is configured, you may add additional fields to capture additional data relating to interactions. For example, if your queues are configured for callback, you may add data export fields such as Queue Callback Requested? and Callback Wait Duration around the queue fields.


The VIEW standard report Communication Details is designed in a manner which tracks the journey of interactions. See the storm VIEW Standard Historical Reports Reference Guide for details.

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Filters in a Historical Data Export Report