Licence Usage Data Source

The Licence Usage historical data source displays licences that were in use by individual users. A record is written to the data source whenever a user, who is assigned any of the licences shown in the table below, logs in or logs out of a storm interface.

Licences are in use (acquired) when users log in to any of the following interfaces:

They are released when users log out of these interfaces.

Licence type

User type or service feature in storm UC/CONTACT

Meeting Room

User type 'Meeting Room'

UC User

User type 'UC User'

Inbound Agent

User type 'Inbound Agent'


User type 'Dialler Agent'


User type 'Supervisor'

Switchboard Operator

User type 'Contact Switchboard Operator'

UC Switchboard Operator

User type 'UC Switchboard Operator'

Supervisor Switchboard Operator

User type 'Supervisor Switchboard Operator'


Service feature 'Recording'

User Voicemail

Service feature 'Unified Communications'


Service feature 'Conferencing'

Agent Calls

Service feature 'Agent Calls'

Agent SMS

Service feature 'Agent SMS'

Agent E-mail

Service feature 'Agent E-mail'

Agent Web Chat

Service feature 'Agent Web Chat'

Agent Social Media

Service feature 'Agent Social Media'

User types and service features are assigned by storm UC/CONTACT administrators.

If a user logs in to multiple devices, a record is written for each log in and log out action.

To illustrate how licence usage is displayed in this data source, consider the following example where a user was added to storm as an 'Inbound Agent' and assigned to handle calls and emails only.

Agent 'edred' logged in to the agent desktop (storm DTA) at 13:30 resulting in an Inbound Agent and an Agent E-mail licence being acquired (first two rows in the report below). Four minutes later, the agent logged in to a deskphone resulting in an Agent Calls and (another) Inbound Agent licence being acquired. Although two 'Inbound Agent' licences are acquired against the agent, this counts as just one licence at the organisation level as would be seen in a report using the Organisation Licence Usage data source. Pricing is based on organisational licence usage.

The agent logged out of storm DTA at 17:04, releasing the Agent E-mail licence and an Inbound Agent licence.

Usage Type

Logged Date Time

Licence Type


Logon Source


2020-03-06  13:30:28

Inbound Agent


Agent Desktop


2020-03-02  13:30:28

Agent E-mail


Agent Desktop#


2020-03-06  13:34:38

Inbound Agent


Paired Device


2020-03-02  13:34:38

Agent Calls


Paired Device


2020-03-06  17:04:40

Inbound Agent


Agent Desktop


2020-03-06  17:04:40

Agent E-mail


Agent Desktop

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Data Export Fields in Licence Usage

Provides a detailed description of each data export field in this data source and shows how the field is populated for the different parts on an interaction. There is a topic for each data export field.

The information will help you to interpret and build data export report. Each topic in this section also indicates whether the data export report supports a filter, a dimension, or both. Knowing that a data export field supports a filter means that you can design metrics to include or exclude values reported the field. Knowing that a data export field supports a dimension means that you can break down metric values in a custom report on the basis of values reported in the field.

Metrics in Licence Usage

Provides a detailed description of the standard metrics in this data source. You use metrics to create Custom Historical Reports.