CONTACT Data Records Data Source

A record is written to the CONTACT Data Records data source whenever storm generates a communication leg between a storm application and the calling or called party. For more information about the communication legs that are generated in the different types of interaction, see Communication Legs.

This is the richest data source offering hundreds of data fields, which you can use for reporting across all communication channels.

The example data export report below is for an incoming call to a contact centre where an inbound leg (from the caller to storm) and an outbound leg (from storm to an answering agent) are generated. The six example data export fields are populated with data for each call leg.


2018-07-30 17:15:18






2018-07-30 17:15:25




Craig Milliband

Some data fields may not be populated for particular call legs. Call Direction and Call Date/Time are examples of two fields that are populated on all communication legs. Local Agent is an example of a field that is populated on outbound legs only. Each field description in this reference guide details which communication legs are written to.

The data export report below is for an email communication. The first row is the inbound communication leg from the email sender to storm; the second row is the outbound communication leg from storm to the agent; the third row is the communication leg to the agent who received the message after it had been requeued by the first agent.

Call Date/Time


Originating address

Destination address

Processed Event Status

2020-01-09 12:34:36



2020-01-09 12:34:50



2020-01-09 12:34:50



Other incoming text-based interactions such as web chats generate a single inbound leg only (from the sender to storm). Outgoing text-based interactions such as replies to messages generate a single outbound leg only (from storm to the message recipient).

Explore Further



Data Export Fields in CONTACT Data Records

Provides a detailed description of each data export field in this data source and shows how the field is populated for the different parts on an interaction. There is a topic for each data export field.

The information will help you to interpret and build data export report. Each topic in this section also indicates whether the data export report supports a filter, a dimension, or both. Knowing that a data export field supports a filter means that you can design metrics to include or exclude values reported the field. Knowing that a data export field supports a dimension means that you can break down metric values in a custom report on the basis of values reported in the field.

Metrics in CONTACT Data Records

Provides a detailed description of the standard metrics in this data source. You use metrics to create Custom Historical Reports.