Agent Groups Events

The following real-time events are available across the total agents in your organisation.



All Agents Last Call Duration

The duration of the last voice call to or from all agents across your organisationThis statistic does NOT reset overnight.

All Agents Total Call Count

The total number of incoming voice call connection attempts and outgoing voice calls to and for all agents across your organisationThis statistic resets overnight.

The equivalent historical statistic is the Calls (Incoming and Outgoing) statistic. See the storm VIEW Historical Data Source Reference Guide for details.

All Agents Total Incoming Call Count

The total number of incoming voice call connection attempts to all agents across your organisationThis statistic resets overnight.

The equivalent historical statistic is the Incoming Call Attempts statistic. See the storm VIEW Historical Data Source Reference Guide for details.

All Agents Total Incoming Calls Answered

The total number of incoming voice calls answered by all agents across your organisationThis statistic resets overnight.

The equivalent historical statistic is the Answered Communications statistic. See the storm VIEW Historical Data Source Reference Guide for details.

All Agents Total Incoming Calls Failed

The total number of incoming voice calls that were routed to but not answered by agents across your organisationThis statistic resets overnight.

The equivalent historical statistic is the Failed Calls statistic. See the storm VIEW Historical Data Source Reference Guide for details.

All Agents Total Incoming Calls Lost

The total number of incoming voice calls that were routed to but not answered by agents across your organisationThis statistic resets overnight.

All Agents Total Outgoing Call Count

The total number of outgoing calls and messages made by all agents. This statistic resets overnight.

The equivalent historical statistic is the Outgoing Calls (Manual) statistic. See the storm VIEW Historical Data Source Reference Guide for details.

All Agents Total Agents Available

The total number of agents currently in the ‘Available’ status across your organisation.

All Agents Total Agents in Call Setup

The total number of agents across your organisation who are currently dialling a call or whose phone is currently ringing, or who are in a 'setup' status prior to handling a call or message.

All Agents Total Agents in Wrap

The total number of agents across your organisation who are currently in Wrap-Up. 

All Agents Total Agents Logged On

The total number of agents across your organisation who are currently logged in.

All Agents Total Agents on Outgoing Calls

The total number of agents currently across your organisation who are handling an outbound call or message.

All Agents Total Agents Taking Incoming Calls

The total number of agents across your organisation who are currently handling an incoming call or message.

All Agents Total Agents Unavailable

The total number of agents across your organisation who are currently in an ‘Unavailable’ status.

The following real-time events are available for each agent group in your organisation.

Note: if agent groups are missing from the list, your storm administrator may have restricted you from seeing them. See Effect of Access Profiles on Dashboard Statistics.

Selectable event

Displayed as




<Agent Group> Total Incoming

The total number of incoming voice call connection attempts and text-based communications to all agents in the agent group. This statistic resets overnight.

The equivalent historical statistic is the Incoming Communication Attempts statistic when dimensioned on Agent Group. See the storm VIEW Historical Data Source Reference Guide for details.



<Agent Group> Total Answered

The total number of incoming voice calls answered and text-based communications received by all agents in the agent group. This statistic resets overnight.

The equivalent historical statistic is the Answered Communications statistic when dimensioned on Agent Group. See the storm VIEW Historical Data Source Reference Guide for details.

<Agent Group> Total Failed

<Agent Group> Total Failed

The number of incoming voice calls that the system attempted to route to an available agent that were not answered by the selected agent, or any incoming text-based communication to this agent group that was not received by an agent. This statistic resets overnight.

The equivalent historical statistic is the Failed Calls statistic when dimensioned on Agent Group. See the storm VIEW Historical Data Source Reference Guide for details.



<Agent Group> Total Outgoing

The number of outgoing communications initiated by agents in this group. This statistic resets overnight.



<Agent Group> Agents Logged On

The number of agents in the agent group who are currently logged in.



<Agent Group> Agents Available

The number of agents in the agent group who are currently in the ‘Available’ status.


<Agent Group> Agents on Incoming Calls

The number of agents in the agent group who are currently handling incoming calls.


<Agent Group> Agents on Outgoing Calls

The number of agents in the agent group who are currently on outgoing calls.



<Agent Group> Agents in Call Setup

The number of agents in the agent group who are currently in the ‘Call Setup’ status



<Agent Group> Agents in Wrap

The number of agents in the agent group who are currently in the ‘Wrapup’ status



<Agent Group> Agents Unavailable

The number of agents in the agent group who are currently in the ‘Unavailable’ status