Metrics in CONTACT Actions

This is the standard metrics reference for the CONTACT Actions data source.

See the Standard Historical Metrics Reference section for a summary listing of these metrics.



Queued Call Count

The total number of voice calls that entered a queue. A call is counted more than once if it routed to more than one queue. For example, a caller who entered a queue and was subsequently transferred or overflowed to another queue results in a count of '2'.

Used in the standard reports: Voice Queues and Voice Queues Chart.

Equivalent to the real-time statistic: 'Total Entered' in the Queues module but for voice only. See the storm VIEW User Guide.

Queued Calls Connected

The number of queued calls that were connected to agents.

Used in the standard reports: Voice Queues and Voice Queues Chart.

Calls Overflowed from Queue

The number of overflows from queues resulting from timeouts.

Used in the Voice Queue Transfers and Overflows standard report.

Calls Transferred to Queue

The number of calls that were transferred to queues.

Used in the Voice Queue Transfers and Overflows standard report.

Overflow Calls

The number of calls that were routed using overflow rules.

Queued Calls Connected Inside SLA

The number of calls that entered a queue and were connected to an agent within the service level threshold assigned to the queue.

Used in the Voice Queues standard report.

% Queued Calls Connected Inside SLA

The number of calls that entered queues and were connected to agents within the service level thresholds assigned to those queues as a percentage of all calls that entered queues and were connected to agents. It is the ratio of the metrics Queued Calls Connected Inside SLA and Queued Calls Connected.

Used in the Voice Queues standard report.

% Routed Rate

Used in the Voice Queues standard report.

Equivalent to the real-time statistic: 'Routed Rate (%)' in the Queues module. See the storm VIEW User Guide.

Queued Calls Disconnected

The number of queued calls that were NOT connected to agents.

Queued Calls Disconnected Inside SLA

The number of queued callers who were NOT connected to agents before the service level threshold of 30 seconds was reached.

% Queued Calls Disconnected Inside SLA

The number of calls that entered queues and were NOT connected to agents within the service level thresholds assigned to those queues as a percentage of all calls that entered queues and were NOT connected to agents. It is the ratio of the metrics Queued Calls Disconnected Inside SLA and Queued Calls Disconnected.

Avg Call Abandon Duration

The average time taken for a caller to abandon a call whilst waiting in a queue.

Used in the Voice Queues standard report.

Calls Lost in Queue

The number of queued callers who hung up without being connected to an agent, or who overflowed to another queue, or who were taken out of a queue after having been sent to it during an agent-initiated warm transfer attempt that was not completed.

Used in the standard reports: Voice Queues and Voice Queues Chart.

Equivalent to the real-time statistic: 'Lost in Queue' in the Queues module. See the storm VIEW User Guide.

Calls Lost in Queue (< 5s)

The number of queued callers who hung up after waiting for up to 5 seconds.

Calls Lost in Queue (5-30s)

The number of queued callers who hung up after waiting in a queue for between 5 and 30 seconds.

Used in the Voice Queues standard report.

Equivalent to the real-time statistic: 'Lost in Queue in S.L.' in the Queues module. See the storm VIEW User Guide.

% Lost Rate

The proportion of calls lost in queues as a percentage of total queued calls.

Used in the Voice Queues standard report.

Equivalent to the real-time statistic: 'Lost Rate (%)' in the Queues module. See the storm VIEW User Guide.


The number of calls that were answered within queue service level durations as a percentage of the total answered calls routed from the queues.

This is calculated as:

A / (B + C - D)


A = Queued Calls Connected Inside SLA

B = Queued Calls Connected

C = Calls Lost in Queue

D = Calls Lost in Queue (5-30s)

To illustrate this, consider an example in which the service level is 5 minutes and there are 5 queued callers.


The first caller connects to an agent after 2 minutes; the second caller ends their call after 3 minutes whilst still queueing; the third and fourth callers connect to agents after 6 and 7 minutes respectively; and the fifth caller ends their call after 8 minutes whilst still queueing. From this:

Queued Calls Connected Inside SLA = 1 (caller 1)

Queued Calls Connected = 3 (callers 1, 3, and 4)

Calls Lost in Queue = 2 (callers 2 and 5)

Calls Lost in Queue (5-30s) = 1 (caller 2).

This gives a % SLA value of 1/(3+2-1) = 25%.

In the calculation, calls lost in the queue within the service level period are excluded from the calculation because it is not known whether they would have been connected to an agent within that period.

Used in the Voice Queues standard report.

Equivalent to the real-time statistic: 'SL (SLA) %' in the Queues module. See the storm VIEW User Guide.

Avg Speed to Answer

The average duration for which an answered contact waited in a queue.

For callbacks, the calculation takes into account the duration measured from the point when each contact entered a queue to the point when they were connected to an agent.

Used in the Voice Queues standard report.

Avg Call Handling Duration

The average time an agent spent handling a call. This includes talk, hold, and wrap-up.

Note: the reported value is not necessarily the sum of the Avg Talk Duration, Avg Hold Duration, and Avg Wrap Duration metrics. See also, Calculation of Average Call Handling Duration.

Used in the Voice Queues standard report.

Avg Talk Duration

The average time an agent spent talking to a caller who had been routed through a queue.

This excludes talk time to other agents during warm transfers.

Used in the Voice Queues standard report.

Total Talk Duration

The total duration agents spent talking to callers who had been routed through a queue.

This excludes talk time to other agents during warm transfers.

Used in the Voice Queues standard report.

Avg Hold Duration

The average time for which a caller who had been routed through a queue was put on hold by an agent.

Used in the Voice Queues standard report.

Total Hold Duration

The total duration time for callers who had been routed through a queue were put on hold by agents.

Avg Wrap Duration

The average time an agent spent in the 'wrap-up' status.

Used in the Voice Queues standard report.

Total Wrap Duration

The total duration agents spent in the 'wrap-up' status.

Used in the Voice Queues standard report.

Callback Requests

The number of callback requests placed by callers who were waiting in queues.

Used in the Queue Callback Summary standard report.

Total Wait Duration Before Callback Request

The queue wait durations of callers measured from when they entered the queues to when they requested callbacks by pressing a DTMF key.

Used in the Queue Callback Summary standard report.

Total Wait Duration After Callback Request

The queue wait durations of callers measured from when their callbacks were registered to when they were connected to agents.

Used in the Queue Callback Summary standard report.

Serviced Callback Requests

The number of callback requests serviced by agents within the reporting period.

Used in the Queue Callback Summary standard report.

Longest Wait Duration (Answered Calls)

The longest duration for which an answered call had to wait in a single queue.

For an incoming call in which a caller requested a callback, this duration excludes the queue wait duration that had elapsed before the callback request was made.

Used in the Voice Queues standard report.

Total Wait Duration (Answered Calls)

The total queue wait duration that answered calls had to wait (in one or more queues). For an incoming call where the caller requested a callback, this duration is measured from the point when the waiting caller made the request.

Longest Wait Duration (Unanswered Calls)

The longest duration for which an unanswered call had to wait in a single queue.

Used in the Voice Queues standard report.

Total Wait Duration (Unanswered Calls)

The total queue wait duration that unanswered calls had to wait (in one or more queues). For calls that overflowed through multiple queues, only the last queue is included in the calculation.

For a call that overflows or is transferred to other queues, the wait time of the last queue is included in the calculation.

Calculation of Average Call Handling Duration

The value reported in the Avg Call Handling Duration metric may not be the same as the sum of the Avg Talk Duration, Avg Hold Duration, and Avg Wrap Duration metrics. This is apparent if your reporting period includes calls that were not held or did not go into wrap (that is calls with 0-value hold and wrap durations).

Avg Hold Duration excludes calls with a hold time of 0 whilst Avg Wrap Duration excludes calls with no reported wrap duration. Avg Call Handling Duration, however, is the average duration of all connected calls irrespective of whether they were held or went into wrap. This is illustrated below across 3 connected calls (all durations are in seconds):

Connected Call

Talk Duration

Hold Duration

Wrap Duration













Total Duration




From this data:
Avg Talk Duration = 180 seconds ÷ 3 connected calls = 60 seconds per call
Avg Hold Duration = 100 seconds ÷ 2 held calls = 50 seconds per call
Avg Wrap Duration = 20 seconds ÷ 2 wrapped calls = 10 seconds per call

The sum of these three averages = 60 + 50 + 10 = 120 seconds per call.

Avg Call Handling Duration is calculated as Total call duration ÷ Number of calls  
= (180 + 100 + 20) seconds ÷ 3 calls = 100 seconds per call 

The sum of the averages is therefore NOT equal to the Avg Call Handling Duration metric in this case. In fact, the sum of the three averages will often be higher as shown here because the average calculations are higher when there are calls with 0 hold and wrap durations.

In contrast, if all calls in the reporting were held and went into wrap, then the sum of the averages will equal Avg Call Handling Duration as illustrated below:

Connected Call

Talk Duration

Hold Duration

Wrap Duration













Total Duration




Recalculating from this data gives:

Avg Talk Duration = 180 seconds ÷ 3 connected calls = 60 seconds per call
Avg Hold Duration = 120 seconds ÷ 3 held calls = 40 seconds per call
Avg Wrap Duration = 60 seconds ÷ 3 wrapped calls = 20 seconds per call

The sum of these three averages = 60 + 40 + 20 = 120

Avg Call Handling Duration
= (180 + 120 + 60) seconds ÷ 3 calls = 120 seconds per call 

Now, the sum of the averages IS equal to the Avg Call Handling Duration metric.