Web Chat Queues

For Web Chat 1.0 only.

This report displays the total number of incoming Web Chat requests that entered ACD queues, allowing you to check on historical queue performance. It also provides information such as agent response times and chat durations. You can filter the dashboard report to show statistics for particular queues.


Note: not all columns are shown (see below for full details).

The report provides a web chat duration and a web chat handling duration. A chat duration is the duration for which a guest and an agent were engaged in conversation. It therefore ends at the point when either guest or agent ended the chat. In contrast, a handling duration ends at the point when an agent ended the chat, which may be some time after the guest ended it from their side. The handling duration is therefore a measure of a session's duration from an agent's perspective.

Basic Information



Custom or data export



Historical Data Source

CONTACT Data Records

Supported formats


Dimensions and Metrics

The report is broken down by the Queue, Date, and Hour dimensions. The following metrics are displayed for each queue, or for the hour of the day on a selected date for a selected queue.



Connected Web Chats

The number of connected web chat sessions.

Avg Web Chat Duration

The average duration of a web chat session. The duration of every web chat session transferred from one agent to another is included in the calculation.


Avg Agent Time to Respond to Web Chat

The average time taken by an agent to respond to a guest message in a web chat session.


Avg Web Chat Handling Duration

The average time taken by an agent to handle a web chat session.


Total Web Chat Duration

The total of time taken by agents to handle web chat sessions.


Report Filters



Configurable on dashboard?


Includes statistics for all queues.

Yes. Use the filter to include or exclude individual queues.

For instructions on applying filters to a dashboard report, see Filter a Historical Report'.