Agents Events

The following real-time events are available for each agent in your organisation.

Note: if agents are missing from the list, your storm administrator may have restricted you from seeing them. See Effect of Access Profiles on Dashboard Statistics.

Selectable event

Displayed as



<agent> Incoming Calls

The total number of incoming communications routed to the agent.

This statistic resets overnight.

The equivalent historical statistic is the Incoming Communication Attempts statistic when dimensioned on Agent. See the storm VIEW Historical Data Source Reference Guide for details.


<agent> Answered Calls

The total number of incoming communications answered or handled by the agent.

This statistic resets overnight.

The equivalent historical statistic is the Answered Communications statistic when dimensioned on Agent. See the storm VIEW Historical Data Source Reference Guide for details.


<agent> Failed Calls

The number of contacts that the system has attempted to route to the agent but were not connected to that agent.

A voice call counts as 'failed' if it was not successfully connected to the agent; the agent ringing timeout may have been reached, the agent may have become unavailable, or the system may otherwise have failed to route the call.

Note: a failed call is not the same as an 'abandoned' call. In a failed call, the call is returned to the front of the queue and the system attempts to route it to another agent. An abandoned call is where the caller hangs up whilst waiting in a queue.

This statistic resets overnight.

The equivalent historical statistic is the Failed Calls statistic when dimensioned on Agent. See the storm VIEW Historical Data Source Reference Guide for details.


<agent> Duration of Last Incoming Call

The duration (in seconds) of the last call answered by the agent. This includes storm-generated calls to the agent during OUTBOUND campaigns. This is the duration as experienced by the agent. This statistic does NOT reset overnight.


<agent> Outgoing Calls

The total number of manual external outgoing voice calls initiated by the agent (answered or not). This includes any attempts to dial an external party during a consultation call.

This statistic resets overnight.

The equivalent historical statistic is the Outgoing Calls (Manual) statistic when dimensioned on Agent. See the storm VIEW Historical Data Source Reference Guide for details.


<agent> Duration of Last Outgoing Call

The duration (in seconds) of the last voice call made by the agent. This statistic does NOT reset overnight.


<agent> Current Status

The current availability status of the agent. See Status in the Agent Group module description for possible values. 


<agent> Log On Time

The time at which the agent logged in. This statistic does NOT reset overnight.