CKS Export Data Source

Information about a storm CKS record is written to the CKS Export historical data source whenever export criteria are matched during a CKS scheduled export. 

For example, a CKS administrator might have configured a CKS scheduled export to run at 11pm every day and to export information to the CKS Export data source whenever the following two criteria for export are met:

Then, every day at 11pm, any record that has changed during the last day and contains the company name 'Acme Corp' will trigger a row of information about that record to be written to the data source. This information includes the reference number for the export as configured by the CKS administrator, and the record ID of the affected record. 

The data record is written to various data fields, which you can include in your data export reports. 

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Data Export Fields in CKS Export

Provides a detailed description of each data export field in this data source and shows how the field is populated. There is a topic for each data export field.

The information will help you to interpret and build data export report. Each topic in this section also indicates whether the data export report supports a filter, a dimension, or both. Knowing that a data export field supports a filter means that you can design metrics to include or exclude values reported the field. Knowing that a data export field supports a dimension means that you can break down metric values in a custom report on the basis of values reported in the field.

Metrics in CKS Export

Provides a detailed description of the standard metrics in this data source. You use metrics to create Custom Historical Reports.