Settings Window

This is accessed by clicking the Toolbar Settings button on the Toolbar.

Use this window to change your DTA settings.

Note: some settings may be restricted by your administrator.

Clicking this displays this Help page in a separate window.

Closes the window.

You can operate this panel by using your mouse or keyboard (see Accessibility Features).

See also Responsive Behaviour of Window.


Settings Group

Menu Items and Description

My Details


Displays your user name, user type, telephone extension, and membership with any user groups (departments) or agent groups (for servicing queues).

Change Password

Not available if you logged in using single sign-on.

Use this to change your DTA log in password. See also, Change Your DTA Login Password.

My Contact Card

Use this to, optionally, enter your personal contact information.

Any numbers you enter here can be quickly selected for setting up a personal hunt group (see Twinning below) and call forwarding (See Divert Calls below).

Phonebook users can also add a note (such as out of hours message) for display to all Phonebook users.

My Telephone Device

Speed Dials

Use this to set up speed dial shortcuts by assigning telephone numbers to them. See also, Configure Speed Dialling.


Use this to set up a personal hunt group of numbers so that whenever you receive a call, the devices on these numbers ring in parallel or in sequence until you answer one of them. See also, Create a Personal Hunt Group.

Divert Calls

Use this to create call forwarding rules to suit your personal schedule. A call to your phone can be diverted to other destinations such as to other numbers, treatments (hunt groups and queues), and voicemail. See also, Configure Call Forwarding.


Use this to block incoming calls from particular telephone numbers. No message is displayed to blocked callers. See also, Block Calls From Selected Numbers.

Web iPath Settings

If you are configured to use the DTA Web iPath telephone device for making and receiving calls, use this section to control Web iPath settings such as auto-answer and the use of audio visual devices. See also, Change Your Web iPath Settings.

PSTN-Paired Settings

Reserved for future use.

Hardphone Settings

Use this to view and edit the pairing details (star code and security code) you use for logging in to your storm-registered deskphone.

My Groups

Hunt Group Members

Use this to opt-in and opt-out of hunt groups of which you are a member.

Agent Group Members

Use this to opt-in and opt-out of agent groups of which you are a member.


Emergency Alerts

Use this to select the device out of which the audio for emergency alert messages should be played and to control the volume of the audio. See also, Send or Respond to an Emergency Alert.

Add to Contacts

Create personal and external contacts. These subsequently appear on your Contacts Tab. Personal contacts are visible to you only, whilst external contacts are visible to all users in the organisation. See also, Create Personal and External Contacts.


Use this to enable or disable pop-up notifications (for example incoming calls and chat messages) generated by your web browser.

Note: if you are enabling notifications, ensure that your browser is configured to display notifications.

User Chat

Enable this setting if, during an internal user-to-user chat, you want the keyboard Enter key to send messages rather than start a new line in the messages. See also, Chat to One or More Users.

User Management

Assign to Hunt Group

Supervisors only

Use this to move users to and from hunt groups. See also, Assign Users to Hunt Groups.

Assign to Agent Group

Supervisors only

Use this to move agents to and from agent groups. See also, Assign Agents to Agent Groups.

Assign Supervisor

Administrators only

Use this to assign agent groups to supervisors. See also, Assign Agent Groups to a Supervisor.

Manage Agents

Supervisors only

Use this to change an agent's password, channel assignment, channel interrupt settings, and skills, and alias name (for web chats). See also,
Change an Agent's or Supervisor's DTA Login Password

Configure the Channels an Agent can Service

Configure Agent Channel Interrupt Settings

Assign Agent skills

Assign an Agent an Alias Name

Edit Matching Rules

Supervisors only

Use this to control a queue's routing to an agent group on the basis of the number or range of available agents in that group. See also, Control Queue Routing On The Basis of Available Agents.

Service Management

Custom User Statuses

Supervisors only

Use this to define custom unavailable statuses for user selection. See also, Create Custom Unavailable Statuses.

Manage Templates

Use this to create, edit, and delete message templates. A message template is a snippet of text that DTA users can quickly insert into their email, SMS, web chat, and social media messages to save time and effort when interacting with contacts. See also, Create a Message Template.

Template Categories

Supervisors only

Use this to restrict the visibility of message templates to particular agents. See Create a Message Template Category.

Phonebook Management

Tab Configuration

Administrators only

Use this to set up your organisation's Phonebook with categorised Phonebook tabs of your choice. See also, Create Phonebook Tabs.

Custom Fields

Administrators only

Use this to create custom Phonebook fields. These are items of extra information for contacts. See also, Add Custom Phonebook Fields.

Import External Contacts

Administrators only

Use this to bulk import external Phonebook contacts. See also, Bulk Import External Phonebook Contacts.

In the title bar, clicking displays this Help page. Clicking closes the window.

Responsive Behaviour of Window

Illustrated below is the Settings window in the standard display mode, showing both the Settings menu items (left sub-panel) and the properties configuration panel for the selected item (right sub-panel).

In the compact display mode for narrower displays, the window responds by displaying the left-hand sub-panel of menu items only. From here, clicking a menu item displays the right sub-panel of configuration properties only. From there, clicking the button switches to the left sub-panel.