Configure the Channels an Agent can Service

Supervisors only

You can control the communication channels that an agent is allowed to service.

Note: any changes you make here will be seen in versions of DTA that support multi-channel agents.


  1. In the Toolbar at the left of the DTA main application window, click the Toolbar Settings button to display the Settings Window.
  2. In the Settings window, select User Management.
  3. Select Manage Agents.
  4. Select the target agent. (The options list displays all agents who are under your supervision.)

Note: you can only edit agents in the agent groups that are assigned to you by your administrator.

  1. In the 'Agent Channels' section, enable the channels that you want the agent to service.

Agent channel configuration options

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the form and click Save.
  2. Close the Settings window by clicking its  button, or by clicking anywhere outside the window within the main application window.