Block Calls From Selected Numbers

You can block incoming calls from certain numbers (typically nuisance calls).


  1. In the Toolbar at the left of the DTA main application window, click the Toolbar Settings button to display the Settings Window.
  2. In the Settings window, select My Telephone Device.
  3. Select Screening.

Screening options

  1. In the Number field, type the full number that you want to block. International numbers can be entered in E.164 format (for example, +447700900345).
  2. Click the Add button. This adds the number to your list of screened numbers below.
  3. Repeat the previous step to add further numbers to your list.

You can remove a number from the list by clicking its Delete button.

  1. Close the Settings window by clicking its  button, or by clicking anywhere outside the window within the main application window.