Configure Speed Dialling

Speed dialling enables you to make outgoing calls to destinations more easily by keying in one or two digit numbers (speed dial shortcuts) instead of full telephone phone numbers or extensions. You configure a speed dial by choosing a speed dial shortcut and then assigning a telephone number to it.

Note: your administrator may already have set up some speed dial assignments for you. You may overwrite these if desired. See Edit or Overwrite the Number Assigned to a Speed Dial Shortcut. Any assignments that you add or overwrite are personal to you and are not seen by other DTA users in your organisation.


  1. In the Toolbar at the left of the DTA main application window, click the Toolbar Settings button to display the Settings Window.
  2. In the Settings window, select My Telephone Device.
  3. Select Speed Dials and then click the  Add button.

  1. In the Enter Shortcut field, type or select the shortcut to assign as the speed dial shortcut.
  2. In the Number field, type the full telephone number to associate with the speed dial shortcut.

  1. Click Add. This adds the speed dial assignment to the list of speed dials.

You can remove a speed dial assignment that you have added yourself by clicking its Delete button. Any speed dial assignments configured by your storm administrator are marked with a  symbol instead, indicating that you cannot delete them.

  1. Close the Settings window by clicking its  button, or by clicking anywhere outside the window within the main application window.

Edit or Overwrite the Number Assigned to a Speed Dial Shortcut

You can edit speed dial assignments that you have added yourself, and you can overwrite those configured by your storm administrator. 

  1. In your list of speed dial assignments, click the  button against the assignment you want to edit or overwrite.

This populates the assignment fields with the selected shortcut and assigned number.

  1. Edit the number in the Number field and then click the Update button. The speed dial list is updated accordingly.

Note: if you overwrite an administrator-assigned speed dial assignment, the administrator-assigned number appears with a strikethrough as shown above. Clicking the  button restores the edited number to the administrator-assigned number.

  1. Close the Settings window by clicking its  button, or by clicking anywhere outside the window within the main application window.