Create a Message Template Category

Supervisors only

A message template is a snippet of text that DTA users can quickly insert into their email, SMS, web chat, and social media messages to save time and effort when interacting with contacts. 

Creating a message template category allows you and other supervisors to restrict the visibility of templates to particular agents. This entails assigning agent groups to a message template category as instructed in this topic. When you or another supervisor then creates a message template and assigns the message template category to it, then only agents who are in the agent groups assigned to the template's category will be allowed to use that template.




Message template (T)

Message template category

Agent Group 1

Agent Group 2

Agent Group 3


Assigned to


Assigned to


Only agents in these three agent groups will be allowed to use the message template T.


Note: message templates created by agents (and not supervisors) are available to all agents in the organisation.

This topic also covers the following related tasks:

Edit a Message Template Category

Delete a Message Template Category


  1. In the Toolbar at the left of the DTA main application window, click the Toolbar Settings button to display the Settings Window.
  2. In the Settings window, select Service Management.
  3. Select Template Categories.
  4. Click the  Add Category button.
  5. Type a name for the category in the Category Name field.
  6. Assign one or more agent groups to the new category. Only agents in the selected groups will be able to use message templates that have this category assigned to them by you or other supervisors.

You can use the Search agent groups field to filter a long list of agent groups.

Note: your administrator may have assigned particular agent groups for you to manage. If none of those agent groups are assigned to a template category, then that category is not displayed in the list of categories.

  1. Click Add Category.
  2. Close the Settings window by clicking its  button, or by clicking anywhere outside the window within the main application window.

Related Tasks

Edit a Message Template Category

You can change the name of a message template category or change the agent groups assigned to a category.

  1. In the Toolbar at the left of the DTA main application window, click the Toolbar Settings button to display the Settings Window.
  2. In the Settings window, select Service Management.
  3. Select Template Categories.
  1. Identify the category you want to edit. Use the Search categories field to filter a long list of categories.

  1. Click the  button for the category you want to edit.
  2. Edit the category name or change the agent group assignment as required. 

  1. Click Save Category.
  2. Close the Settings window by clicking its  button, or by clicking anywhere outside the window within the main application window.

Delete a Message Template Category

  1. In the Toolbar at the left of the DTA main application window, click the Toolbar Settings button to display the Settings Window.
  2. In the Settings window, select Service Management.
  3. Select Template Categories.
  1. Identify the category you want to edit. Use the Search categories field to search for a category in a long list of categories.
  2. Click the category's  Delete button and the click the  button to confirm the deletion.
  1. Close the Settings window by clicking its  button, or by clicking anywhere outside the window within the main application window.