Configure Your Organisation Phonebook

Administrators only

You can set up your organisation's Phonebook with categories (or tabs) of your choice and make each tab available to storm user groups (typically departments in your organisation) of your choice.

Note: the Phonebook tab/panel is not available to you if you are seeing the Comms Panel - Contacts Tab.

Create Phonebook Tabs

Add Custom Phonebook Fields

Bulk Import External Phonebook Contacts

Related Tasks

Phonebook Tab Configuration Examples

Create Phonebook Tabs

To create a Phonebook tab, do the following:

  1. In the Toolbar at the left of the DTA main application window, click the Toolbar Settings button to display the Settings Window.
  2. In the Settings window, select Phonebook Management.
  3. Select Tab Configuration and then click the Add New Phonebook Tab button.
  4. In the Tab Name field, enter a meaningful name for the tab.
  5. In the 'Applies To' section, decide what type of contact the Phonebook tab will display and then choose one or more of the following options:




Limits the selectable choices presented in the controls of this configuration page to those related to storm users.

Note: this option does not mean that this type of contact will display on the tab.

External Contacts

Limits the selectable choices presented in the controls of this configuration page to those related to external contacts.

Note: this option does not mean that this type of contact will display on the tab.


Limits the selectable choices presented in the controls of this configuration page to those related to storm treatments.

Note: this option does not mean that this type of contact will display on the tab.

For Favourites

Select this if you are setting up a favourites tab for your users. For each user, this tab will display each contact that the user has marked as a favourite.

  1. Expand the Filters section and then configure filters as required. These filters determine which contacts and other items will appear in the Phonebook.

Field Type


Agent Group

(Applies to users)

Select this option and then select the check boxes against the agent groups to display on the tab.

Contact Type

(Applies to users, treatments, and external contacts)

Select this option and then choose the type of contact to display on the tab. A typical configuration is to choose a single contact type (say 'users' if you want to display storm users only), or to choose all options if you want to display every type of contact.

Treatment Type

(Applies to treatments)

Select this option and then select the check boxes against the types of treatments to display on the tab.

User Group

(Applies to users)

Select this option and then select the check boxes against the storm user groups to display on the tab.

<custom fields>

(Applies to users and external contacts)

Select the custom field and then select the field's values to display on the tab. You can create custom Phonebook fields as described in Add Custom Phonebook Fields, later in this topic.

To add a filter, click the Add Filter button and then select a field and the desired values. To remove a filter, click its Delete Filter button.

Note: an unconfigured filter will prevent you from saving the tab configuration. By default, one unconfigured filter is displayed ready for you to populate with values. If you do not want to use this filter, delete it by clicking its Delete Filter button.

  1. Expand the Searchable Fields section and then click in the Add Field field to display a list of fields. Select the fields that you want your Phonebook users to be able to use in the Searchable Fields drop-down list of the Phonebook tab/panel when searching for particular contacts.
  2. Expand the Displayable Fields section and then click in the Add Field field to display a list of fields. Select the contact information that you want your Phonebook users to see when they click theContact Details button against a contact on the Phonebook tab/panel.
  3. Expand the Assign User Groups section and then select the user groups to whom the new tab should be visible. Only users in these user groups will see the new tab when they display the Phonebook.
  4. Click Save.

See also, Phonebook Tab Configuration Examples at the end of this topic.

Add Custom Phonebook Fields

A custom Phonebook field is a data type that extends beyond the standard data available to your users. You can create custom Phonebook fields for users, treatments, and external contacts. DTA users can populate custom fields for external and personal contacts themselves for display in their Phonebook as described in Create Personal and External Contacts.

Note: custom fields for users and treatments cannot be populated by DTA users — instead, they must be populated by you or another administrator in storm UC and CONTACT.

As an example, you could create a custom Phonebook field named 'Multilingual?', which might apply to external contacts only and which stores a 'Yes' or 'No' value. A DTA user can then include this field in their directory of external contacts and populate it with 'Yes' or 'No' for each contact. For users to see the custom field against their contacts, you must include it as a displayable field when creating a Phonebook tab.

To add a custom Phonebook field, do the following:

  1. In the Toolbar at the left of the DTA main application window, click the Toolbar Settings button to display the Settings Window.
  2. In the Settings window, select Phonebook Management.
  3. Select Custom Fields and then click the New Custom Field button. This displays the Add Custom Field page.
  4. In the Name field, enter a meaningful name for the custom field.

  1. Select the Make Searchable option if you want the custom field to be available to administrators in the Searchable fields section of the tab configuration settings page.
  2. In the Data Type drop-down list, select the type of data pertaining to the new custom field.
  3. In the 'Applies To' section, select the check box against any contact types if you want the custom field to be visible to administrators in the Displayable fields section of the tab configuration settings page when they are configuring a tab for any of these types of contact.
  4. Click Add Field.

Bulk Import External Phonebook Contacts

This section tells you how to import lots external contacts to your Phonebook in a single operation. You can add up to 4000 contacts in this way.

Do the following: 

  1. Prepare a CSV file containing the import data. The following table shows the supported fields.

The fields are allowed to appear in any order in the file. The standard field names must be spelled exactly as shown in the table. Custom field names must be spelled exactly as they exist on the system (see Add Custom Phonebook Fields above).

Supported field

Optional or mandatory?

Supported data

External Contact ID


Leave blank for a new contact.

First Name


A string of alphanumeric characters.

Last Name


A string of alphanumeric characters.



A string of alphanumeric characters.

Personal Email Address


A string of alphanumeric characters.

Alternative Phone Number


See Valid Address Formats.

Home Phone Number


See Valid Address Formats.

Mobile Phone Number


See Valid Address Formats.

Work Phone Number


See Valid Address Formats.

<custom fields>


This depends on the fields' data types:



A string of alphanumeric characters.

Drop-down List


One of the options configured in the drop-down list.

Yes or No


Type '1' for Yes, or '0' for No.

Email Address


See Valid Address Formats.

Phone Number


See Valid Address Formats.

Note: blank data for a field will result in the field being unpopulated on import.

Note: if you import a contact with a first name matching that of an existing contact, then another new external contact with the same first name will be created along with the new data for that contact.

The simple illustration below shows the contents of a CSV file for importing five new external contacts.

External Contact ID,First Name,Last Name,Mobile Phone Number

Here, the External Contact ID field is blank for each of the new contacts; the third contact does not have a last name, meaning that nothing will be written to their Last Name field.

Note: you cannot currently delete an external Phonebook contact.

  1. In the Toolbar at the left of the DTA main application window, click the Toolbar Settings button to display the Settings Window.
  2. In the Settings window, select Phonebook Management and then select Import External Contacts.
  3. Click the Choose File button and then browse for and select the CSV file in the Open dialog. The name of the selected file appears in the Settings window.
  4. Click the Import button.

  1. If any import error messages are displayed, correct the data in the CSV file and then re-import the file.

Related Tasks

You perform all of following tasks in the Phonebook Management section of the Settings Window.



Edit a Phonebook tab

This allows you to change any of the settings that were configured when the tab was created such as the type of contact to which the tab applies, the fields that should be displayed to users and are searchable by them, and the user groups to whom the tab is shown.

Select Phonebook Management and then Select Tab Configuration.

In the list of Phonebook tabs, click the Edit button next to the Phonebook tab you want to edit. Make the required edits, and then click Save. (The settings are described in Create Phonebook Tabs earlier in this topic.)

Delete a Phonebook tab

Deleting a Phonebook tab removes it completely so that it is no longer available to users and administrators.

Select Phonebook Management and then Select Tab Configuration.

In the list of Phonebook tabs, click the Delete button next to the tab you want to delete. On the Delete Tab page, type the full name of the tab that you want to delete (respecting case-sensitivity), and then click the Delete button.

Edit a custom field

This allows you to change any of the settings that were configured when the custom field was created such as the field's name, its data type and applicability.

Select Phonebook Management and then Select Custom Fields.

In the list of custom fields, click the Edit button next to the custom field you want to edit. Make the required edits, and then click Save Edits. (The settings are described in Add Custom Phonebook Fields earlier in this topic.)

Delete a custom field

Deleting a custom field removes it completely including all associated data that users have set against the field. The field will no longer be visible to users and administrators when they next log in to DTA and will no longer be available for selection on the Tab Configuration page when creating and editing a Phonebook tab.

Select Phonebook Management and then Select Custom Fields.

In the list of custom fields, click the Delete button next to the custom field that you want to delete. On the Delete Field page, type the full name of the custom field that you want to delete (respecting case-sensitivity), and then click the Delete button.

Phonebook Tab Configuration Examples

The following table illustrates Phonebook tab configurations for some popular use cases. Detailed instructions are available in Create Phonebook Tabs earlier in this topic.



'Applies To' Section

'Filters' Section


To display all contacts

Select 'Users', 'Treatments', and 'External Contacts'

Do not apply the Contact Type filter. Optionally apply any other available filters.


To display storm users only

Select 'Users'

Contact Type = 'Users' and, optionally, any other available filters (for example, 'User Group').

External Contacts

To display external contacts only

Select 'External Contacts'

Contact Type = 'External Contacts' and, optionally, any other available filters.

Personal Contacts

To display a user's external contacts only

Select 'External Contacts'

Contact Type = 'Personal Contacts' and, optionally, any other available filters.


To display queues only

Select 'Treatments'

Contact Type = 'Treatments'

Treatment Type = 'Queue'


To display a user's favourite contacts only

Select 'Favourites' plus any of the other options depending on the type of favourite contact that you want to display on the tab.

For Contact Type, select the type of contact to display on the tab and, optionally, any other available filters.

In the 'Searchable Fields', 'Displayable Fields', and 'Assign User Groups' sections (not shown in the table above), select any available item as required.