Assign Agents Groups to a Supervisor

Administrators only

You can control which agent groups a supervisor is allowed to monitor and manage.


  1. In the Toolbar at the left of the DTA main application window, click the Toolbar Settings button to display the Settings Window.
  2. In the Settings window, select User Management.
  3. Select Assign Supervisor.
  4. Select the supervisor whose agent group control you want to change.

Assigning agents groups to a supervisor

  1. In the Assigned column, select the check boxes against the agent groups that you want the supervisor to be able to control. Or, clear the check boxes to remove control.

Note: a disabled (greyed out) check box means that the agent group is not assigned to you for management purposes. (Not shown above.)

  1. Close the Settings window by clicking its  button, or by clicking anywhere outside the window within the main application window.