Supervisors only
Assigning a skill level to an agent determines how queued contacts are routed to that agent in a particular category. For example, a queue may be configured to route traffic to only those agents who are assigned a skill level of between 1 and 3 in the category of 'Complaints'.
You can also assign different skill levels to an agent across their member agent groups. For example, an agent who is a member of the 'General Holidays' and 'Customer Service' agent groups may be highly skilled at handling holiday enquiries but not so skilled at handling customer service related enquiries.
Note: before assigning skill levels to your agents, agent groups, or both, you first need to know whether your system is configured to use agent skill levels. If it is, then you need to understand the range of skill values that are being used (for example, 1-5, 1-10, or 1-99) and whether low values in the range denote low skill or high skill. Your administrator can tell you if and how skill values are used in your organisation and the values that you are allowed to assign to your agents and agent groups.
Note: you can only edit agents in the agent groups that are assigned to you by your administrator.