Migrating from DTA Version 1

If you are familiar with previous versions of DTA, use this section to learn about the main changes to version 2 of the product. The features of version 2, which are largely centred on responsiveness and accessibility, have resulted in significant improvements to the DTA user interface. These provide an even better user experience and cater for a wider audience.

New Features



Improvements to Accessibility

Panel Contextual Help


Customising Your Workspace

Changes to User Interface Elements


DTA Browser Application (Slim Mode)


New Features

Notification Centre

Emergency Alerts

Alert My Supervisor

Four-Way Conferencing


Notification Centre

This feature combines elements of the Broadcast Notification feature in DTA version 1 with new extensions that allow external applications to push notifications to DTA and combines them in a single Notification Centre Panel. By seeing important information in one place, you can work more efficiently by attending to tasks that require immediate attention. In the panel, you can:

See also, View Broadcast NotificationsBroadcast a Message to Agents (supervisors only), and Respond to an Agent's Alert Message (supervisor's only).

Emergency Alerts

This feature allows a storm agent to quickly broadcast a highly visible and audible emergency alert to an agent group. Emergency alerts are intended for use in situations where agents in a group are required to rapidly respond to fast-changing and life-threatening incidents.

See also, Send or Respond to an Emergency Alert.

Alert My Supervisor

This feature allows a storm agent to quickly request support from a supervisor if they encounter problems in servicing a customer interaction. This is useful where an agent is encountering difficulties while servicing a customer interaction, or if they feel that their ability to service interactions is being adversely affected by stress or by feeling unwell.

See also, Send an Alert Message to a Supervisor.

Four-Way Conferencing

The four-way conferencing feature in DTA is oriented towards use cases where, while on a call with a customer, you engage an interpreter to help understand the customer's request, and then introduce a subject-matter expert to the call. You can then step out of the call while customer, interpreter, and expert address the issue. You may then rejoin the conference at a later point to bring matters to closure.

Using the new Conference Panel, you can manage a conference and its individual participants with ease. You can:

See also, Create a Three- or Four-Way Conference.


The cobrowsing (collaborative browsing) feature allows you to work more closely with a customer during an interaction such as a voice call or web chat by interacting with a web page on the customer's device. Cobrowsing goes beyond traditional screen sharing as it allows you to resolve issues quickly and efficiently by guiding your customers through complex processes in real time where you can point, highlight, and draw on their shared web pages through the DTA Cobrowse Panel. The need to share files and links is reduced or eliminated as a result.

To initiate a cobrowsing session, the customer must first click a Cobrowse button on a web page on your website to generate a six-digit code for sharing with you. When you enter this code into the DTA Cobrowse panel, a message is sent to the customer prompting them to confirm the cobrowse session. When the session is initiated, the customer's shared web page is displayed inside your DTA Cobrowse panel, where you can perform actions that are reflected on the customer's device.

For cobrowsing to work, a cobrowse account must be set up by Content Guru. The web page hosting the Cobrowse button must be set up by your website administrator.

See also, Assist a Customer Over a Cobrowse Session.

Responsive Behaviour

In DTA version 2, the user interface elements adapt their layout to the size of the application window. Shown below is the DTA version 2 main application screen in a wide window:

Reducing the window width results in the following layout change without any loss of functionality.

This allows DTA to run in desktop areas to suit users with smaller single-screen devices such as tablets and smaller laptop screens. A minimum window width of 320 pixels is supported at 100% zoom level.

See also, Responsive Behaviour.

Improvements to Accessibility

DTA version 2 is now compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) v2.1 Level AA and this is assessed externally every 6 months.


In version 1

In version 2


Not fully keyboard driven

Fully keyboard driven

Screen reader support



Zoom level and text size

Loss of functionality at high zoom level and large text size

Zoom level: up to 400% without loss of functionality. This is subject to a display area effective pixel width of 320 pixels at a 100% zoom level and a browser window width of 1280 actual pixels (four times the minimum effective pixel width of 320).

Support for text zoom to 200%.

Contrast ratio

No minimum

Minimum 3:1 between adjacent user interface elements 

Focus display

Use of 'in-focus' controls not fully supported across user interface elements.

The control that is in focus is shown with a blue border across all user interface elements.

Availability status

Conveyed through colours only

Conveyed through colours and symbols

See also, Accessibility Features.

Panel Contextual Help

Many panels offer a  Help button for taking you directly to the help topic for that panel. From there, you can easily navigate to procedural topics associated with that panel.

Customising Your Workspace

DTA version 2 allows you to rearrange panels in your workspace. This is not possible in version 1.

See also, Rearrange Panels in the Workspace.

Changes to User Interface Elements

This section describes the main changes to the DTA user interface elements in version 2.


In version 1

In version 2

Main Title bar

Selectable availability statuses and buttons for most functions.

Selectable availability statuses.

All supported functions are launched from the new toolbar.


Toolbar on the right of the screen for access to interaction tools such as Web iPath and chat.

All interaction tools are launched from the new toolbar.

Redesigned slim panels with no horizontal scrollbars. All functionality is now available in the panels (for example, completion code selection).

List of Interactions

Not supported.

All interactions that you are engaged in are listed in a single panel.

Call information and handling functions

Functions such as call hold and call transfer are provided on an in-call panel bar below the main title bar.

No call bar. Call information is displayed on the Interactions panel. In-call functions are provided on the new Comms panel in the workspace.

Main Title Bar

This is the main title bar in DTA version 1 showing the buttons for accessing most DTA functions.

This is the main title bar in DTA version 2:

The Search field on the left of the title bar in version 1 was used to enter telephone numbers, search for contacts and for making outbound calls.

In DTA version 2:

The main functions that were provided by the buttons in the main title bar of DTA version 1 are now launched from the new toolbar in version 2.

Version 1 button


In version 2

For displaying your organisation's contacts list.

The contacts list is displayed on the new Comms Panel - Contacts Tab.

For displaying your conversation history.

Your conversation history is displayed on the new Comms Panel - History Tab.

See also, View your Personal Interaction History.

For viewing your personal voicemail messages.

Personal voicemail messages are displayed on the new Voicemail Panel.

See also, Listen to Your Personal Voicemail Messages.

For accessing additional functions, changing DTA settings, and viewing the DTA online help.

All functions, DTA settings, and the online help are available on the new toolbar.

For monitoring switchboard queues.

All storm SWITCHBOARD functions are now available on the new toolbar.

For pairing DTA with a PSTN device or for initiating a DTA Web iPath call.

PSTN-pairing and DTA Web iPath calls are performed on the new Comms Panel - Phone Tab.

See also, PSTN Device Users and Make an Outgoing Call.


This illustration of DTA version 1 shows the toolbar on the right side of the screen for launching the Web iPath, chat and other interaction panels. 

In DTA version 2, all functions are launched from the toolbar on the left side of the screen. Web iPath users no longer need to launch the keypad with a button as it is displayed automatically on the new Comms panel. You can rearrange the toolbar buttons

Call information can now be popped out in an adjacent panel:

Completion codes are now also displayed for selection in the Wrap Panel instead of in a dialog:

List of Interactions

The new Interactions Panel allows you to see the number of interactions you are actively engaged in. 

Call Information and Handling Functions

This illustration of DTA version 1 shows the in-call panel that appears during a call. The panel displays the call's details as well as buttons for handling the call.

In DTA version 2, the details of the interaction are displayed on the new Interactions panel:

Interactions panel showing a call in progress

In-call functions are available on the Comms Panel - Phone Tab.

Recording Playback

The call recording playback function now offers better control of recording playback, with support for pause and resume, and the capability to start playback from any point in the recording.

DTA Browser Application (Slim Mode)

DTA version 2 can run as a desktop application without an address bar, toolbars, and browser tabs. When running at its minimum effective pixel width of 320 at a 100% zoom level, you can dock the window to the left or right of your screen to free up your desktop for other applications.

See also, Use DTA in Slim Mode.