Comms Panel - History Tab

Subject to user rights.

This is accessed by clicking the Toolbar phone button button on the Toolbar and then the panel's Comms panel tab, history button History button.

Comms panel history tab selected

Use this panel to see every communication that you have made and received (including missed calls).

Clicking this displays this Help page in a separate window.

Hides the Comms panel. You can restore it by clicking the Toolbar phone button Comms button on the Toolbar.


History tab with 4 labels, numbered 1 to 4

Note: clicking the Comms panel tab, history button History button during your DTA session updates the tab to include the latest history items.





Label 1


Search History and Filters field

Use this to search for a particular history record by whole word and then click the  button (or press the keyboard Enter key) to filter the list to show items matching the search item. 

In the filtered list, clicking the  button clears the filter.

Click the  button to filter your call history by time, origination, and destination. By default, the History panel displays calls made at any time ('Anytime'), to all destinations ('To Anyone'), and from all originations ('From Anyone').

Label 2


History item summary

Displays a summary of interaction history records in reverse chronological order (newest first).

An incoming voice call that was answered. 



Label 1

The origination number. If the caller is a storm user, their name is shown instead. If you see bracketed information, this indicates the name of the storm queue or UC call treatment through which the call arrived.

Label 2

Your DTA account name.

Label 3

The date and time at which the call was initiated by the caller.

Click the summary item to reveal more details. See Call Details below.

An incoming voice call that was missed. This displays the same information as for an answered call (see above). Click the summary item to reveal more details. See Call Details below

An outgoing voice call.



Label 1

The destination number of the placed call. 

Label 2

Your DTA account name.

Label 3

The date and time at which you placed the call.

Click the summary item to reveal more details. See Call Details below.

An incoming SMS message that you replied to, or marked as 'Done'. SMS messages that you requeued, deleted, or ignored are not shown.



Label 1

The sender's number.

Label 2

The first line of the incoming text message or of the reply message if one was sent.

Label 3

The date and time at which you received the message.

Click the summary item to reveal more details. See SMS Message Details below.

An outgoing SMS message that you initiated.



Label 1

The destination number.

Label 2

The originating number (as configured by your administrator).

Label 3

The first few lines of the outgoing text message.

Label 4

The date and time at which you sent the message.

Click the summary item to reveal more details. See SMS Message Details below.

An incoming email message that you replied to, forwarded to another email address, or marked as 'Done'. Emails that you redirected, deleted, or ignored are not shown.  



Label 1

The origination email address.

Label 2

The email subject

Label 3

The date and time at which you actioned the email.

Label 4

The first few lines of text in the body of a reply or forwarded email.

Click the summary item to reveal more details. See Email Details below.

An outgoing email message that you initiated.



Label 1

The destination email address.

Label 2

The email subject

Label 3

The date and time at which the email was sent.

Label 4

The first few lines of text in the body of the email.

Click the summary item to reveal more details. See Email Details below.

A web chat interaction. 

Other symbols

Social media interactions. See Social Media Details below. 

Note: the date is not shown for today's calls.

Label 3


Scroll buttons

Indicates the number of call history records that are currently in view and the total number of records in your call history. Use the arrow buttons to see records that not currently visible in the panel.

Reject Call button

Displays the first page of items.

Reject Call button

Displays the previous page of items.

Reject Call button

Displays the next page of items.

Close Information Panel button

Displays the last page of items.

Call Details

Clicking a call item in the history displays the following details about the call directly below.

Note: not all calls may be recorded.





Label 1


Start Time

The exact time at which the call was dialled.

Label 2


End Time

The exact time at which the call ended.

Label 3



The originating number of the call, or 'Withheld Number'. For an incoming call that arrived through a storm treatment such as a queue or a hunt group, the name of the treatment is displayed in brackets.

Clicking the  button for a non-withheld call initiates an outgoing call to the originating party.

Label 4



The destination number of the call.

Label 5



For an incoming call that arrived through a queue, this is the name of the queue.

Label 6


Connected Duration

For a call that was connected, this is your talk time with the other party.

This duration is always less than the difference between the call's start and end time because it does not include the duration between call initiation and call answer (such as the call setup time, the time spent by the caller in an IVR, queue wait durations).

Label 7


Recording Playback Controls

Note: these are not shown for a recording whose playback time has expired.

A set of controls for playing the call recording through your speakers. Click the  button to download the recording to your PC Downloads folder as a WAV file.

The  button is available if you are permitted to delete recordings. See also, Remarks, below.

Label 8



The duration of the recording.

Label 9



The exact time at which the recording started.

Label 10



The exact time at which the recording ended.

Label 11


Close Call Details sub-panel

Click this to close the call details sub-panel.

SMS Message Details

Clicking an incoming SMS message item in the history displays the following details about the message in a separate panel.

Incoming Message Details

Clicking an SMS message item in the history displays the following details about the message in a separate panel.





Label 1


Panel Control buttons

Displays this Help page.

Expand email details panel button

Expand PanelExpands a single-width panel to double width, or a double-width panel to maximum width. Maximum width takes up all of the available workspace to the right.

Collapse email details panel button

Collapse Panel (not shown) Collapses a double-width panel to single width, or a maximum width panel to double-width.

Close Information Panel button

Minimise Panel. Hides the SMS details panel. You can restore it by clicking its  button in the Interactions Panel.

Close Information Panel button

Close Panel. Closes the SMS details panel.

Label 2



The origination email address.

Label 3



The incoming SMS message and the reply if one was sent.

Label 4


Reply button

Displays a SMS Reply sub-panel at the bottom of the panel for you to reply to the sender.

Shown below the editable field is the number of characters in the reply and the number of SMS messages that will be needed to send the reply.

Allows you to insert predefined text into the reply. 

Alternatively, press the keyboard Ctrl + / keys. If you accidentally select the wrong template, you can use the keyboard Ctrl + Z keys to undo the insertion.

Closes the SMS Reply sub-panel without sending a reply.

Sends the reply.

Outgoing Message Details





Label 1


Panel Control buttons

Displays this Help page.

Expand email details panel button

Expand PanelExpands a single-width panel to double width, or a double-width panel to maximum width. Maximum width takes up all of the available workspace to the right.

Collapse email details panel button

Collapse Panel (not shown) Collapses a double-width panel to single width, or a maximum width panel to double-width.

Close Information Panel button

Minimise Panel. Hides the SMS details panel. You can restore it by clicking its  button in the Interactions Panel.

Close Information Panel button

Close Panel. Closes the SMS details panel.

Label 2



The originating number (as configured by your administrator).

Label 3



The full outgoing SMS message

Email Details

Clicking an incoming or outgoing email message item in the history displays the following details about the email in a separate panel.

Incoming Email Details

Clicking an email item in the history displays the following details about the email in a separate panel.


annotated Incoming email history panel






Label 1


Panel Control buttons

Displays this Help page.

Expand email details panel button

Expand PanelExpands a single-width panel to double width, or a double-width panel to maximum width. Maximum width takes up all of the available workspace to the right.

Collapse email details panel button

Collapse Panel (not shown) Collapses a double-width panel to single width, or a maximum width panel to double-width.

Close Information Panel button

Minimise Panel. Hides the Email details panel. You can restore it by clicking its  Email button in the Interactions Panel.

Close Information Panel button

Close Panel. Closes the Email details panel.

Label 2



The origination email address.

Label 3



The email subject.

Label 4


Latest message

The most recent message in the email thread, which includes metadata and attachments. The date and time shown here is that at which the message was either received by storm or sent by you.

Label 5


Subthreads button

Click this to see other messages in the email conversation.

Label 6


Original message

The original incoming message, which includes metadata and attachments. The date and time shown here is that at which the message was received by storm.

Label 7



Any notes that were added to the email. These are listed in reverse chronological order (newest first).

Label 8


Action buttons

Reply. Opens the Email History Reply panel for you to reply to the sender. You can add further recipients by clicking Cc button in the panel.

Reply all. Opens the Email History Reply panel  for you to reply to all email addressees included in the incoming message (including any recipients who were carbon-copied but not blind carbon-copied).

Forward. Opens the Email History Forward panel for you to forward the message and any attachments to one or more email destinations.

Notes. Allows you to add a note to the email.

Outgoing Email Details

annotated outgoing email history panel





Label 1


Panel Control buttons

Displays this Help page.

Expand email details panel button

Expand Email Details PanelExpands a single-width panel to double width, or a double-width panel to maximum width. Maximum width takes up all of the available workspace to the right.

Collapse email details panel button

Collapse Panel (not shown) Collapses a double-width panel to single width, or a maximum width panel to double-width.

Close Information Panel button

Minimise Panel. Hides the Email details panel. You can restore it by clicking its  Email button in the Interactions Panel.

Close Information Panel button

Close Panel. Closes the email details panel.

Label 2


Presentation address

The origination email address as seen by the recipient.

Label 3



The email subject.

Label 4



The outgoing email message, which includes metadata and attachments. The date and time shown here is that at which the message was sent by you.

Label 5


Action buttons

Forward. Opens the Email History Forward panel for you to forward the message and any attachments to one or more email destinations.

Notes. Allows you to add a note to the email.

Social Media Details






Label 1


Panel Control buttons

Displays this Help page.

Expand email details panel button

Expand PanelExpands a single-width panel to double width, or a double-width panel to maximum width. Maximum width takes up all of the available workspace to the right.

Collapse email details panel button

Collapse Panel (not shown) Collapses a double-width panel to single width, or a maximum width panel to double-width.

Close Information Panel button

Hide Panel. Hides the social media details panel. You can restore it by clicking its button in the Interactions Panel.

Close Information Panel button

Close Panel. Closes the social medial details panel.

Label 2



The sender's social media account username.

Label 3



The username of the destination social media account.

Label 4



The messages in the interaction.

Label 4


Close button

Closes the panel.


DTA allows you to play back recordings that were recorded in a third-party tool outside storm, such as in a CRM system, and which are not associated with calls made or received in DTA. Such recordings are displayed in a separate panel titled 'Call History' (not shown), instead of in the Comms panel. The Call History panel displays the same information and recording playback controls as seen in the Call Details section of the Comms panel.

See Also

View Your Personal Interaction History