View Your Personal Interaction History

You can see every interaction that you have made and received as well as search for particular interactions and filter the list of items.

When displayed, you may be able to take further action such as make an outgoing call to the originator of a particular call, or handle an email.


  1. Ensure that the Comms Panel is displayed. If it is not, click the Toolbar phone button button on the Toolbar.
  2. In the Comms Panel, select the Comms panel tab, history button History Tab.
  3. If required, use the search and filter controls along the top of the panel to display particular history items (see below).

Search for Particular Interactions in the History

  1. Type the full name or number of the called or calling party in the Search History field at the top of the History tab
  2. Click the  button or press the keyboard Enter key.

The panel updates to display matching items (if any).

To clear the search and revert to seeing the entire history, click the  button.

Note: to search for emails across queues as well as in the history, see Search for Emails.

Filter the Interaction History

You can filter on interaction type and interaction start date/time. For voice calls only, you can filter on origination and destination (by telephone number, or user) and recorded calls. For SMS interactions, you can filter on originating and destination telephone number or short code.

  1. Click the  button at the top of the History tab.
  2. Apply one or more filters as described below:

Filter on

Do this

Recorded calls

Select the Only show calls with recordings check box.

Type of interaction

Select the type of interaction from the Interaction Type dropdown list.

To revert to showing items for all interactions, select 'All Results'.

Interaction start date and time

Select a predefined time range from the Time Range list of options.

Alternatively, select the 'Custom' option if you want to define your own time range, and then use the fields to specify the range's start and end times and dates.

Applying a custom time range filter

To revert to showing items for all dates and times, select 'Anytime'.

Origination or destination

To a particular telephone number

In the Destination section, select 'To Address' and then type the full telephone number in the field that appears below.

To a particular storm user

In the Destination section, select 'To User' and then begin typing the first few characters of the user's first or last name in the field that appears below. Then, select the desired user from the displayed list.

From a particular telephone number

In the Origination section, select 'From Address' and then type the full telephone number in the field that appears below.

From a particular storm user

In the Origination section, select 'From User' and then begin typing the first few characters of the user's first or last name in the field that appears below. Then, select the desired user from the displayed list.

Examples of the use of the Destination filter are illustrated below:

Filtering by a destination number

Filtering by a destination user

To revert to showing calls to or from any origination or destination, select the 'To Anyone' or 'From Anyone' options.

  1. Click Apply Filters to apply the selected filters.

Note: the filter button is highlighted as  to indicate that at least one filter has been applied to the interaction history.

  1. To clear all filters, select  and then click Clear Filters

See Also

Comms Panel - History Tab