Email Panels


Email Panel

Email Information Panel

Email Reply/Reply & Follow Up/Forward/Email History Reply/Email History Forward/New Email Panels

Follow up Emails Panel

Emails - Unprocessed Panel

You can operate these panels by using your mouse or keyboard (see Accessibility).

Email Panel

This is displayed automatically when you receive an email message. The panel closes only when the email has been actioned.

Annotated incoming email panel






Label 1


Panel help and control buttons

Displays this Help page.

Reject Call button

Expands a single-width panel to double width, or a double-width panel to maximum width. Maximum width takes up all of the available workspace to the right.

Reject Call button

Collapses a double-width panel to single width, or a maximum width panel to double-width.

Close Information Panel button

Hides the panel. You can restore it by clicking its  Email button in the Interactions Panel.

Label 2


Email details

Displays basic details about the email. The  button indicates that the email has more than one addressee (including Cc). Clicking the button displays all addressees.

Label 3



Displays any attachments that arrived with the email. You can download these individually or all at once. You can preview a plain text, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, or PDF file attachment without downloading it. 

Note: any of the following special characters used in the attachment's file name are replaced by the underscore character in this panel.

<   (less than)
>   (greater than)
:    (colon)
"    (double quotes)
/    (forward slash)
\    (backslash)
|    (vertical bar or pipe)
?    (question mark)
*    (asterisk)

Label 4


Email body

Displays the incoming email message.

Any previous messages and email notes in the interaction thread are also displayed below the incoming message (not shown in the illustration above). The  subthread button below each previous message shows or hides that item.

Label 4


Download email button

Downloads the email message and its attachments to your Downloads folder. The downloaded file has an EML file extension and the file name is system generated.

Note: you cannot download an entire email conversation (email thread). The button is available for every incoming email message in a conversation.

Label 5


Email handling buttons

Use one of these buttons to perform an action on the email.

Reply. Opens the Email Reply panel for you to reply to the sender. You can add further recipients by clicking Cc button in the panel.

Reply all. Opens the Email Reply panel  for you to reply to all email addressees included in the incoming message (including any recipients who were carbon-copied but not blind carbon-copied).

Forward. Opens the Email Reply panel for you to forward the message and any attachments to one or more email destinations.

Redirect. Displays a list of queues. Select a queue to redirect the email to that queue. The position the message takes in the queue is based on the date on which the email was sent originally.

Delete. Deletes the message and removes it from the system.

More options. Displays the following further actions that you can perform:

Reply and Follow Up. Use this to reply to the sender as well as tag the email for follow up later. Opens the Email - Reply & Follow up panel for you to reply to the sender. Emails tagged for follow up are listed in the Follow up Emails panel.

Forward and Follow Up. Use this to forward the message (including any attachments) to one or more email destinations as well as to tag the email for follow up later. Opens the Email - Forward & Follow up panel for you to forward the message. Emails tagged for follow up are listed in the Follow up Emails panel.

Follow Up. Use this to tag the message for follow up later from the Follow up Emails panel. This allows agents in the same agent group as the agent who tagged the message to track email conversations and easily locate them for future reference.

Done. Use this to complete the conversation without replying to the message. The action is logged in your transaction history and in storm RECORDER.

Ignore. Use this to ignore the message. The message will be tagged as 'unprocessed' and visible in the Unprocessed Messages Panel.

Requeue. Use this to send the message to the queue it came in from.

Notes. Opens an 'Email Notes' sub-panel at the bottom of the panel to allow you to add a note to the email. The note is attached to the email and will also be seen by users who view the email on the History Tab.

If you are a supervisor who is allowed to intercept a sent message (via the storm supervisor approval system for trainee agents), use the following buttons to decline or approve such a message.


Sends the message to the list of unprocessed messages instead of to its intended addressees. See Emails - Unprocessed Panel, below.


Sends the message to its intended addressees. See Emails - Unprocessed Panel, below.

Email Information Panel

Some incoming emails may display information relating to the email such as the customer's details based on information gathered from a database.

This information appears in an information panel, which may be embedded in the Comms panel (as shown below) or displayed as a separate panel alongside the parent panel.

Email Reply/Reply & Follow Up/Forward/Forward & Follow Up/Email History Reply/Email History Forward/New Email Panel

The Email Reply, Forward Panel, Email History Reply, and Email History Forward panels are displayed to the right-hand side of the Email panel or the Email History panel when you click the , or  button in that panel.

Note: your administrator may have configured your system so that the Email Reply Panel opens automatically along with prepopulated reply details in relation to the incoming message.

The New Email panel is displayed when you click the  button on the Toolbar.

Shown below is the Email Reply panel. The other panels are similar. 






Label 1


Panel help and control buttons

Displays this Help page.

Reject Call button

Expands a single-width panel to double width, or a double-width panel to maximum width. Maximum width takes up all of the available workspace to the right.

Reject Call button

Collapses a double-width panel to single width, or a maximum width panel to double-width.

Close Information Panel button

Hides the panel. You can restore it by clicking its text-labelled button (such as Email Reply) in the expanded view of the Interactions Panel (or its  button in the collapsed view of the panel).

Close Information Panel button

Closes the panel without sending or saving any changes.

Label 2


Email reply details

Displays basic details about the email. Click the Cc and Bcc buttons to include additional recipients for the email you are sending. You can drag a contact's email address from the Comms Panel - Contacts Tab and drop it into the To and Cc fields. A default From address is provided. Some configurations may allow you to select an alternative 'From' address to show to the recipient.

Note: Bcc provides a restricted list of email addresses as set up by Content Guru.

Label 3



Attachments that are currently included in your forward or reply message.

Message attachments must not exceed 35MB; an individual attachment must not exceed 5MB; the number of attachments must not exceed 20; and filenames must not exceed 96 ASCII characters or 24 4-byte characters. Punctuation marks in filenames are replaced with an underscore.

Label 4


Attachments button

Use this to include attachments in your message. Supported formats include BMP, DOC, DOCX, GIF, GRMX, JPG, PDF, PNG, RAR, TIF, TXT, WAV, XLS, XLSX, and VOX.

Label 5


Email Templates button

Displays a list, allowing you to select a predefined message template for insertion at the cursor point in the Reply message or Forward message field.

You can also press the keyboard Ctrl + / keys to display the list. 

To quickly find a particular template in a long list, use the Search Items field to type any sequence of characters from its name (or its alias name as seen on the right-hand side).

You may edit the template text after it has been inserted.

Label 6


Formatting buttons

Use these buttons to format your message.

Reject Call button

Bold Emboldens the selected text or toggles the bold function on or off for subsequently typed characters. You can also use the keyboard CTRL+B shortcut.

Italic Italicises the selected text or toggles the italic function on or off for subsequently typed characters. You can also use the keyboard Ctrl + I shortcut.

Underline Underlines the selected text or toggles the underline function on or off for subsequently typed characters. You can also use the keyboard Ctrl + U shortcut.

Bullet List Creates a bulleted list. You can also use the keyboard Ctrl + Shift + 8 shortcut.

Numbered List Creates a numbered list. You can also use the keyboard Ctrl + Shift + 9 shortcut.

Outdent (applies to a bulleted or numbered list only). Moves the bulleted or numbered item up one level. You can also use the keyboard Ctrl + [ shortcut.

Indent (applies to the second or subsequent items of a bulleted or numbered list only). Creates a second-level bulleted or numbered item. You can also use the keyboard Ctrl + ] shortcut.

Label 7


'Enter a message' field

Your message.

Label 8


Email Thread sub-panel

Opens a panel, allowing you to edit all parts of the email thread when replying to or forwarding a message.

Label 9


Action buttons

Preview. Displays a preview of the formatted email in a separate window as it will appear to the recipients.

Send. Sends the message to the email recipients in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields.

Follow Up Emails Panel

This is accessed by clicking the  button on the Toolbar.

Use this panel to follow up on emails that have been marked for follow up by any agent in an agent group of which you are a member.






Label 1


Panel help and buttons

Displays this Help page.

Reject Call button

Expands a single-width panel to double width, or a double-width panel to maximum width. Maximum width takes up all of the available workspace to the right.

Reject Call button

Collapses a double-width panel to single width, or a maximum width panel to double-width.

Close Information Panel button

Hides the panel. You can restore it by clicking the  Follow Up Emails button on the Toolbar.

Close Information Panel button

Closes the panel losing any selections in the drop-down lists.

Label 2


Agent Group selector

Use this to select the agent group of the agent whose follow-up emails you want to see. This is a list of all agent groups of which you are a member. 

Label 3


Agent selector

Use this to select an agent from the selected agent group.

Label 4


Follow up emails

The emails that were marked for follow up by the selected agent. Clicking an email opens an Email - Follow Up panel so that you can handle it.

Label 5


Refresh and scroll buttons

Indicates the number of follow up emails that are currently in view and the total number of follow up emails. Use the arrow buttons to see records that not currently visible in the panel.

Reject Call button

Refreshes the panel to include any emails that may have been marked as follow-up by other users after you opened this instance of the panel.

Reject Call button

Displays the first page of items.

Reject Call button

Displays the previous page of items.

Reject Call button

Displays the next page of items.

Close Information Panel button

Displays the last page of items.

Email - Unprocessed Panel

This is accessed by clicking an unprocessed email in the Unprocessed Messages Panel.

Use this panel to handle unprocessed emails.







Label 1


Panel help and control buttons

Displays this Help page.

Reject Call button

Expands a single-width panel to double width, or a double-width panel to maximum width. Maximum width takes up all of the available workspace to the right.

Reject Call button

Collapses a double-width panel to single width, or a maximum width panel to double-width.

Close Information Panel button

Hides the panel. You can restore it by clicking its  Email button in the Interactions Panel.

Close Information Panel button

Closes the panel without actioning the email.

Label 2


Email details

Displays basic details about the email. The  button indicates that the email has more than one addressee (including Cc). Clicking the button displays all addressees.

Label 3



Displays any attachments that arrived with the email. You can download these individually or all at once. You can also preview an attachment without downloading it.

Label 4


Email body

Displays the incoming email message.

Any previous messages and email notes in the interaction thread are also displayed below the incoming message (not shown in the illustration above). The  subthread button below each previous message shows or hides that item.

Label 4


Download email button

This is available immediately below every incoming email message in a conversation and downloads that message along with any attachments that arrived with the message. The file has an EML file extension and is saved to your Downloads folder.

Note: you cannot download an entire email conversation (email thread).

Label 5


Email handling buttons

If you are an agent, use one of the following buttons to perform an action on the email. These buttons are not available if the email is awaiting approval by your supervisor.

Reply. Opens the Email Reply panel for you to reply to the sender. You can add further recipients by clicking Cc button in the panel.

Reply all. Opens the Email Reply panel  for you to reply to all email addressees included in the incoming message (including any recipients who were carbon-copied but not blind carbon-copied).

Forward. Opens the Email Reply panel for you to forward the message and any attachments to one or more email destinations.

Redirect. Displays a list of queues. Select a queue to redirect the email to that queue. The position the message takes in the queue is based on the date on which the email was sent originally.

Delete. Deletes the message and removes it from the system.

More options. Displays the following further actions that you can perform:

Notes. Opens an 'Email Notes' sub-panel at the bottom of the panel to allow you to add a note to the email. The note is attached to the email and will also be seen by users who view the email on the History Tab.

If you are a supervisor who previously prevented an agent's message from being sent to its destination (via the storm supervisor approval system for trainee agents), use the following buttons to perform the desired action.

Deletes the message and removes it from the system.


No action is taken and the message remains in the list of unprocessed messages.


Sends the message to its intended addressees.

See Also

Handle an Incoming Email

Deal with Follow-Up Email Messages

Compose an Email

Handle your Unprocessed Messages