Conference Panel

This is displayed when you add a third party as a participant in a three-way conference.

Use this panel to manage the conference by removing participants or adding a fourth participant.

Note: only you as the conference initiator (owner) see this panel.

You can operate this panel by using your mouse or keyboard (see Accessibility Features).







Label 1


Panel help and control buttons


This indicator is displayed in the conference panel in which you are actively participating and is useful when you are hosting multiple conferences. (You can be an active participant in only one conference at a time.)

Displays this Help page.

Close Information Panel button

Hides the panel. You can restore it by clicking its  Conference button in the Interactions Panel.

Label 2


Conference details

Conference name and start time


The name of the conference (the default name is 'Conference') and the time at which you initiated it.

Edit Conference name. Clicking this allows you to edit the conference name and start time.

Participant indicator. The number on the left indicates the number of participants who are currently in this conference. The number on the right is the maximum number of participants that are allowed in the conference.

Label 3


Participant list

The conference participants.


This indicates that you initiated this conference and are currently participating in it. Even if you have initiated multiple conferences, you can only be a participant in one of them at a time.

Remove participant. Clicking this button removes the participant from the conference, provided you, the conference owner, are an active participant in the conference.

Label 4


Add participant sub-panel

Allows you to add a fourth participant to a three-way conference.

Enter number/contact


Enter the telephone number, extension, or name of the storm user you want to add to the conference.

Add contact. Clicking this calls the entered number or user and, when they answer, adds them without a consultation (immediate conference).

Consultation call. Clicking this calls the entered number or user and, when they answer, allows you to speak to them (consultation call) before deciding whether or not to add them.

Label 5


Rejoin Conference button

Calls you, the conference host, so that you can rejoin the conference after having left it voluntarily. To allow the system to make this call, you must not be on another call or in another conference.

Label 6


Leave conference button

Removes you from the conference, allowing you to make another call or to join another conference. The conference will end if you are the only participant.

Label 7


End Conference button

Allows you to return to the original two-way call, or to disconnect all parties from the conference.

See Also

Create a Three- or Four-Way Conference