Comms Panel - Phone Tab

This is accessed by clicking the  button on the Toolbar and then the panel's  Phone button. 

 Use this tab to make, receive, and handle calls. The panel's display changes depending on the call status.

Clicking this displays this Help page in a separate window.

Hides the Comms panel. You can restore it by clicking the Toolbar phone button Comms button on the Toolbar.


Outside a Call

During Call Ringing

During a Call
Call Information Panel


You can operate this panel by using your mouse or keyboard (see Accessibility Features).

Outside a Call

The panel appears as shown below when you are ready to make and receive calls.


Phone tab outside a call with three labels numbered 1 to 3





Label 1


Presentation Number field

This is displayed if your user account is configured to allow you to choose a presentation number to present to parties that you call. In some deployments, this may appear in a separate dialog instead of here.

Label 2


Call connect failure reason

This area of the panel displays a connection failure reason if the number you have dialled failed to connect. For example, 'Unassigned Number', and 'User not responding'.

The message is displayed for a few seconds only.

Label 3


Dial Number field

Displays the digits that you enter using the buttons on the Dialpad or the number keys on your keyboard. You can paste a number in this field by clicking the field and then pressing Ctrl + V on your keyboard.

Label 4


Options button

Allows Web iPath users quick access to Web iPath settings.

Allows PSTN-paired users to unpair their phones from the DTA.

Label 5



Click the buttons to enter the number you want to dial.

Make Call button


Video Call button

Reserved for future enhancement.

Make Call button


Audio Call button

Dials the number displayed in the Dial Number field to place a voice call.


Remove Display Entries button


Remove Display Entries button

Removes digits from the end of the number displayed in the Dial Number field.


See also, Make an Outgoing Call.

During Call Ringing

When your phone rings, the caller's name, originating number, or 'Withheld' is displayed on the panel. If the call has arrived through a queue, then the queue name may also be shown.

Note: the name is displayed if the call is from a storm user or from an external number that is mapped to a name in a directory of contacts (personal or external).


Phone tab during call ringing






Answer Call button


Answer Call button

Use this to answer the incoming call.


Reject Call button


Reject Call button

Use this to reject the incoming call.


See also, Take an Incoming Call.

During a Call

Web iPath and Deskphone


Phone tab during a call for web ipath and an ipath endpoint device.  Three labels numbered 1 to 3.

PSTN-Paired Phone


Phone tab during a call for a PSTN paired device.  2 labels, 1 and 3.






Label 1


Number Display field

The originating or destination number for the call that is in progress.

The blue-bordered field displays any DTMF digits that you enter during a call (for example, in response to IVR menu options). This does not apply to calls on a PSTN-paired device as all DTMF digits are displayed on the PSTN device.

Label 2


Call Quality Indicator

Web iPath users only

Indicates the quality of the connection between your PC and the storm platform that may affect sound quality.

three green bars

Good - no problems.

two amber bars

Fair - distorted conversation or temporary loss of sound.

one red bar

Bad - potential loss of speech channel, silences, call drops.

Note: if you are experiencing signal loss, check your network cable if you are on a wired connection; if you are on a wireless connection, ensure that your PC is within range of the wireless router.

Label 3


Call Timer

The ongoing duration of the call.

Mute Call button


Mute Call button

Web iPath users only 

Mutes your microphone so that connected parties cannot hear your voice. PSTN-paired or deskphone users should use the mute button on their devices. 

Volume control button


Volume Control button

Web iPath users only

Displays a volume control allowing you to adjust the volume of the connected parties. To adjust the volume, either click anywhere on the slider, or click and drag the circle along the slider.


Volume control slider

For incremental control, either click the plus  or  minus buttons, or press the keyboard arrow keys when the circle is in focus (it is in focus when bordered by a light blue line as pictured above).

PSTN-paired or deskphone users should use the volume control buttons on their connected devices.

Close Dialpad button


Dialpad button

Toggles the display of the Dialpad (this is hidden by default during a Web iPath call). The button is coloured blue when the Dialpad is displayed.

Close Dialpad button


Put Back in Queue button

Returns the caller to the queue they came in from.

This function is not available during a PADLOCK interaction.

Immediate Conference button


Conference button

Allows you to add a third-party to a two-way call without speaking to them first (immediate conference).

This function is not available during a PADLOCK interaction.

Transfer Call button


Transfer Call button

Displays transfer options allowing you to cold or warm transfer a call to another party, or to add a third party to the call to create a three-way conference.

This function is not available during a PADLOCK interaction.

Hold Call button


Hold Call button

Places the other party on hold.

This function is not available during a PADLOCK interaction.

End Call button


End Call button

Ends the call.

Call Information Panel

Some incoming calls may display information relating to the call (during ringing and whilst on the call) such as the customer's details based on information gathered from a database.

This information appears in an information panel, which may be embedded in the Comms panel (as shown below) or displayed as a separate panel alongside the parent panel.

Call information at bottom of panel

Some services may require you to enter data in editable fields shown on the panel.

See Also

 Perform Call-Handling Functions