Broadcast a Message to Agents

Supervisors only

You can broadcast a message to agents in agent groups that you supervise. Messages are received by agents who are logged in to DTA.


  1. Click the  button on the Toolbar. This displays the Broadcast Panel.
  2. In the panel's To field, press an arrow key on your keyboard to see the list of assigned agent groups (or type the agent group name to see a filtered list).
  3. Select a target agent group. If required, include further groups.

  1. If required, edit the default text in the Source and Subject fields, and select a different priority for the message. 
  2. Type or paste a message in the Start typing field.

  1. Click Send Broadcast at the bottom of the panel.

Note: broadcast messages are not stored.

Agents in the target groups will see broadcast messages in their Notification Centre Panel.

  1. Click Close, or click Send New to broadcast another message.

See Also

View Broadcast Notifications