Activate Your Telephone Device

A telephone device must be active if you want to make and receive voice calls through storm. A device can be any of the following and your storm administrator will have configured your user account to use any of these.

User Telephone Device


Integrated DTA Web iPath

This is a software telephone that is integrated into DTA and activated automatically when you log in to DTA.

See storm DTA Web iPath Users below.

storm-registered deskphone

This is provided by your administrator and is registered on the storm platform. In addition to logging in to the DTA, you must star code into the deskphone.

See storm-Registered Deskphone Users below.

PSTN Device

This is device that is not registered on storm (such as a mobile phone or a landline phone). In addition to logging in to the DTA, you must pair DTA with the device.

See PSTN Device Users below.

MTA Device

This is the storm Mobile Task Assistant (MTA), a smartphone app that allows storm users to use their mobile phone as a telephone device on the storm platform, and to manage their storm interactions.

See MTA Users below.

Note: although your DTA user account may be configured to use more than one call-handling method, only one call-handling method may be active at a time.

storm DTA Web iPath Users

If you are a storm DTA Web iPath user, logging in to DTA displays a dialpad in the main window ready for you make calls through storm. Your availability status in the top right of the main window is set to an available or unavailable status (whichever is configured by your administrator) and this determines whether you can receive calls.

Logged in to DTA with Web iPath

If you see the following message, you must allow DTA to use media so that Web iPath can use your speakers and microphone during calls.

See Allow Media in Your Browser for instructions.

Note: if, in addition to Web iPath, you are set up to use a deskphone, you can easily switch to making and receiving calls through the deskphone instead.
Do this by clicking the  button and then de-activating the Web iPath Active control in the Settings Window. See Change Your Web iPath Settings.

 storm-Registered Deskphone Users

If you are a deskphone user, you must activate the phone in order to make and receive calls through storm. You can activate your phone if you have already logged in to DTA, or if you have not yet logged in. Follow the instructions in the relevant section below:

Already Logged in to DTA

Not Logged in to DTA

Note:  you can switch between using your deskphone or DTA Web iPath (where available) via the Web iPath Active control in the Settings Window. See Change Your Web iPath Settings.

Already Logged in to DTA 

  1. Make sure you know your star code and PIN. These will have been provided to you by your administrator. Alternatively, you can obtain these details from the 'Hardphone Settings' section of the Settings Window.
  2. On seeing the following message in the Comms Panel, pick up the handset and then key in * (the star key) followed by your four-digit star code on the deskphone, and then key in your security code.

An audio prompt is played informing you that you are now associated with the deskphone. The DTA main window displays a dialpad and the text 'Logged into handset'. Your availability status in the top right of the main window changes from 'Logged Off' to an available or unavailable status (whichever is configured by your administrator).

DTA screen when logged in to handset

Not Logged in to DTA

  1. Make sure you know your star code and PIN. These will have been provided to you by your administrator.
  2. Pick up the handset and then key in * (the star key) followed by your four-digit star code on the deskphone, and then key in your security code.

An audio prompt is played informing you that you are now associated with the deskphone.

Note: you never need to log out of your deskphone during breaks or at the end of your working day unless instructed to do so by your administrator. If you are instructed to log out, do so by keying in *00000 (the star key followed by five zeroes) on the deskphone. A prompt will inform you that you are no longer associated with the phone. You will NOT be able to make and receive calls until you star code in again.

 PSTN Device Users

If you are a PSTN device user, you must first log in to DTA, and then pair DTA with your PSTN device in order to make and receive calls through storm.

  1. Ensure that the Comms Panel is displayed. If it is not, click the  button on the Toolbar.
  2. On the Phone Tab of the Comms Panel, do one of the following in the Route calls to options list:

Select your PSTN number (if it is listed).

Or, select the 'Other' option and then type your number in the field below.

Click OK.

Unpaired panel for selecting PSTN

If you are required to validate your PSTN device by entering a code, the system initiates a call to the selected PSTN number.

  1. Answer the call on your device and listen to the voice prompting you to enter the key displayed on your DTA screen.
  2. Key in the displayed code on your PSTN device.

If the pairing is successful, the Comms Panel displays a dialpad, and your availability status is displayed in the top right of the main window.

If the pairing is successful, the DTA main window will display a dialpad and the text 'PSTN Paired [your PSTN number]'. Your availability status in the top right of the main window will change from 'Logged Off' to an available or unavailable status (whichever is configured by your administrator).

Note: starcode functions, such as call pickups, are not supported on paired PSTN devices.

If you later decide to make and receive calls using a different PSTN device, you must first unpair the currently paired device.

To do this, click the  button and then select Unpair from the context menu.

You cannot make and receive calls whilst you are unpaired. Pair a device as described earlier.

MTA Users

On your smartphone, open the storm MTA app and log in using your credentials.