Voicemail Panel

This is accessed by clicking the Toolbar voicemail button button on the Toolbar.

Use this panel to listen to your personal voicemail messages.

You can operate this panel by using your mouse or keyboard (see Accessibility Features).


Voicemail panel with 4 labels, numbered 1 to 4






Label 1


Panel help and control buttons

Displays this Help page.

Close Information Panel button

Closes the panel.

Label 2


Voicemail list

Displays your voicemails. Each voicemail item indicates the telephone number or extension of the caller who left the voicemail and the time at which the voicemail was recorded. The most recent voicemail is displayed at the top of the list. A  symbol indicates an unacknowledged voicemail item (not clicked).

Clicking a voicemail item displays controls for playing the voicemail through your speakers and deleting it.

Label 3


Pagination buttons

Indicates the number of voicemail records that are currently in view and the total number of records that have accumulated. Use the arrow buttons to see records that not currently visible in the panel.

Reject Call button

Displays the first page of items.

Reject Call button

Displays the previous page of items.

Reject Call button

Displays the next page of items.

Close Information Panel button

Displays the last page of items.

See Also

Listen to Your Personal Voicemail Messages.