Appendix D: VIEW Audit Log Entries

This section lists every entry that can be seen in the VIEW audit log.

In the table below, all possible audit log entries are listed alphabetically along with descriptions and references to the associated tasks.

Note: each entity in an audit log entry has a unique ID (identifier). This is useful for distinguishing between entities that have the same name.

Audit Entry

Description and reference

Added a column to extended record 'record name'  (record ID)

The user added a column to this extended record.

See Create an Extended Record.

Added Module 'name of real-time module or historical report' (ID of module or report) to dashboard 'dashboard name' (dashboard ID)

The user placed this real-time module or historical report on this dashboard. The name is as it appears in the title bar.

Note: real-time module names are not defined when they are added to a dashboard, resulting in a pair of empty quotes in the audit log entry.

See Place Real-Time Modules on a Dashboard and Place Historical Reports on a Dashboard

Allocated profile 'profile name' (profile ID) to number of users new users(s)

The user assigned this profile of VIEW features to this number of VIEW users. These users did NOT previously have a user-defined profile assigned to them.

See Control User Access Rights to VIEW Features.

Changed column widths on dashboard 'dashboard name' (dashboard ID)

The user changed the width of a column on this dashboard.

See Change the Number of Columns and their Sizes.

Changed module positions on dashboard 'dashboard name' (dashboard ID)

The user moved the position of a real-time module or a historical report on this dashboard. 

Note: this audit log entry is also displayed when a user places a real-time module or a historical report on the dashboard.

See Place Real-Time Modules on a Dashboard and Place Historical Reports on a dashboard

Cloned dashboard 'original dashboard name'  (original dashboard ID) to 'new dashboard name'

The user copied the dashboard named original dashboard name and its contents. The new dashboard was named new dashboard name.

See Copy a Dashboard and its Contents.

Committed extended record 'record name'  (record ID)

The user committed this extended record.

See Create an Extended Record.

Created alert 'real-time alert name' (alert ID)

The user created this real-time message alert.

See Configure a Real-Time Message Alert.

Created Custom Event Group 'custom event group name' (event group ID)

The user created this custom event group.

See Create Custom Real-Time Events.

Created dimension 'custom dimension' (dimension ID)

The user created this custom dimension.

See Create a Custom Dimension.

Created extended record 'record name'  (record ID)

The user created this extended record.

See Create an Extended Record.

Created metric 'custom metric' (metric ID)

The user created this custom metric.

See Create a Custom Metric.

Created new dashboard 'dashboard name '

This user created this dashboard for displaying real-time statistics or historical reports.

See Create a Dashboard for Real-Time Statistics and Create a Dashboard for Historical Reports.

Created queued report 'queued report name' (queue ID)

The user created this queued report item to run a historical report in the background. 

See Run Historical Reports in the Background.

Created report 'report name'

The user created this historical report (data export or custom).

See Create a Historical Data Export Report and Create a Custom Historical Report.

Created schedule 'schedule name' (schedule ID)

The user created this schedule for exporting historical reports.

See Export Historical Reports According to a Schedule.

Created user profile 'profile name'  for organisation ID organisation ID

The user created this user profile of VIEW features for the named organisation (or sub-organisation).

See Control User Access Rights to VIEW Features.

Dashboard information updated to 'new dashboard name' (new dashboard ID), 'new dashboard description'

The user edited a dashboard's name to new dashboard name and/or its description to new dashboard description. This includes any navigation link that may have been added to the description.

See Edit the Name and Description of a Dashboard and Add a Navigation Link to a Dashboard.

Deleted alert 'real-time alert name' (alert ID)

The user deleted this real-time message alert.

See Delete an Alert.

Deleted Custom Event Group 'custom event group name' (event group ID)

The user deleted this custom event group.

See Delete a Custom Event Group.

Deleted dashboard 'dashboard name' (dashboard ID)

The user deleted this real-time statistics or historical reports dashboard.

See Delete a Real-Time Statistics Dashboard and Delete a Historical Reports Dashboard.

Deleted dimension 'custom dimension' (dimension ID)

The user deleted this custom dimension.

See Delete a Custom Dimension.

Deleted metric 'custom metric' (metric ID)

The user deleted this custom metric.

See Delete a Metric.

Deleted module 'name of real-time module'  (module ID) on dashboard  'dashboard name' (dashboard ID)

The user removed this real-time module or historical report from this dashboard.

See Remove a Real-Time Module From a Dashboard and Remove a Historical Report From a Dashboard.

Deleted queued report 'queue name' (queue ID)

The user deleted this queued report item.

See Delete a Queued Report Item.

Deleted report 'report name' (report ID)

The user deleted this data export or custom historical report from the system.

See Delete a Data Export report and Delete a Custom Historical Report.

Deleted schedule 'schedule name' (schedule ID)

The user deleted this historical report export schedule.

See Edit or Delete an Export Schedule.

Deleted user profile 'profile name' (profile IDfor organisation ID organisation ID

The user deleted this user profile of VIEW features from this organisation (or sub-organisation).

See Delete a Profile of Features.

Edited events on module 'name of real-time module' (module ID), dashboard 'dashboard name'

The user configured live events (statistics) in this real-time module on this dashboard.

See the real-time statistics configuration task for this module. The tasks are listed in Real-Time Statistics Configuration Tasks.

Logged in from IP address of user

The user launched VIEW from the storm STUDIO or storm DTA application on a deskphone with this IP address.

See Launch VIEW.

Logged out

The user logged out of VIEW.

See Logout button.

Modified exceptions on dashboard  'dashboard name' (dashboard ID)

The user excluded a date and time range from a reporting period when running a historical report on this dashboard. Or, they removed a previous exclusion.

See Exclude Date and Time Ranges From the Reporting Period.

Modified module 'name of real-time module'  (module ID), dashboard  'dashboard name' (dashboard ID)

The user modified a setting (including a change to a real-time event) in this real-time module's configuration panel on this dashboard.

See the real-time statistics configuration task for this module. These are listed in Real-Time Statistics Configuration Tasks.

Modified sharing settings on dashboard 'dashboard name' (dashboard ID)

The user changed the sharing options for this dashboard. 

See Share a Dashboard With Other Users.

Removed profile 'profileName' (profileID) for number of users users(s)

The user unassigned this profile of VIEW features from this number of VIEW users.

See Unassign a Profile of Features From Users.

Reordered dashboards

The user changed the tabbed order of dashboards or moved a dashboard into or out of a menu.

See Change the Tabbed Order of Dashboards and Organise Dashboard Tabs into a Menu.

The audit log entry is also displayed when a user copies a dashboard and its contents.

See Copy a Dashboard and its Contents.

Resized module 'name of real-time module or historical report '(ID of module or report) on dashboard 'dashboard name' 'dashboard ID '

The user resized the height of this real-time module or historical report on this dashboard.

See Place Real-Time Modules on a Dashboard and Place Historical Reports on a Dashboard

Template extended records updated for organisation 'organisation name'  (organisation ID)

The user assigned custom data export fields to this sub-organisation.

See Create an Extended Record.

Template reports updated for organisation 'organisation name' (organisation ID)

The user shared historical reports with this sub-organisation

See Share Historical Reports With Your Sub-Organisations.

Updated alert 'real-time alert name' (alert ID)

The user changed the configuration of this real-time message alert.

See Configure a Real-Time Message Alert.

Updated dashboard rotation settings.

The user changed the auto-cycle configuration of dashboards.

See Auto-Cycle Dashboards for Wallboard Display.

Updated dimension 'custom dimension' (dimension ID)

The user edited this custom dimension.

See Edit a Custom Dimension.

Updated equations on dashboard 'dashboard name' (dashboard ID)

The user added or edited a custom real-time statistic in a module on this dashboard.

See Design a Custom Real-Time Statistic.

Updated events for Custom Event Group 'custom event group name' (event group ID)

The user added events to or deleted events from this custom event group.

See Modify a Custom Event Group.

Updated metric 'custom metric' (metric ID)

The user edited this custom metric.

See Edit a Metric.

Updated profile to 'profile name' (profile ID) for number of users users(s)

The user re-assigned this user-defined profile to this number of VIEW users. These users had previously been assigned a different user-defined profile.

See Control User Access Rights to VIEW Features.

Updated queued report 'queue name' (queue ID)

The user edited the configuration of this queued report item. 

See Run Historical Reports in the Background.

Updated report 'report name' (report ID)

The user edited this historical data export or custom report. 

See Open a Historical Report for Editing.

Updated schedule 'schedule name' (schedule ID)

The user edited the configuration of this historical report export schedule. 

See Edit or Delete an Export Schedule.

Updated 'Show home page on Login' to state

The user selected or cleared the 'Show this page on login' option on the dashboard Contents page.

The value of state is 1 if the option was selected, or 0 if it was cleared.

See Launch VIEW.

Updated user profile 'profile name'  for organisation ID organisation ID

The user edited this user profile of VIEW features for this organisation (or sub-organisation).

See Edit a Profile of Features.