Copy a Dashboard and its Contents

This is a procedural topic for administrators describing how to copy a dashboard and its contents. Copying saves time when creating a set of dashboards that are intended to be similar in layout and content.



  1. Display the dashboard you want to copy by clicking its tab.

  1. Click on the Button Bar.

  2. In the displayed dialog, the new dashboard's suggested name is the same as the one you are copying. Edit the name of the new dashboard, if required. In the illustration below, the 'REAL-TIME SALES' dashboard is being copied and the new dashboard is named 'REAL-TIME SALES 2'

  1. Click OK.

The new dashboard tab appears adjacent to the copied one:

  1. Edit the contents of the new dashboard as required.

Explore Further

Change a Dashboard's Properties and Layout

Change the Tabbed Order of Dashboards

Organise Dashboard Tabs into a Menu

Add a Navigation Link to a Dashboard