Add a Navigation Link to a Dashboard

This is a procedural topic for administrators describing how to add a navigation link to a dashboard's description on the ' Welcome to storm View' contents page. This enables your users to quickly navigate to other web pages (for example, your organisation's main website or a local intranet page) directly from the contents page.

You can include multiple hyperlinks in a dashboard's description. Clicking a hyperlink opens the target page on another tab in the browser.



  1. Select the target dashboard and then select on the Button Bar.

  1. Type or paste the full web page address into the Tab description field along with any supporting text:

  1. Highlight the text that you want to convert to a hyperlink (as illustrated above) and then click the button. This apples a URL HTML tag to the highlighted text:

  1. Click Save Changes.

  2. Click to see the hyperlink on the Contents page.

Explore Further

Change a Dashboard's Properties and Layout

Change the Tabbed Order of Dashboards

Organise Dashboard Tabs into a Menu

Copy a Dashboard and its Contents