Display an Audit Log of VIEW User Actions

This is a procedural topic for administrators describing how to display an audit log of all VIEW actions performed by supervisors and administrators in your organisation.

VIEW logs all user actions immediately. The audit log window displays entries covering the 12-month period up to and including the point at which the audit log window is opened. Each listed action is marked with the user who performed the action and a datetime stamp.



  1. Click in the top-right of the VIEW window and then select Audit Log. This opens the audit log window showing all user actions in reverse-chronological order (most recent first).

Use the scroll buttons at the bottom of the list to see more entries and to move up and down the list.

For a description of each entry including where it was performed on the VIEW user interface, see Appendix D: VIEW Audit Log Entries.

  1. Click Close to close the audit log window.

Note: the window's audit list does not update in real time. To see any user actions that were made since opening the window, close the window and then reopen it by selecting the Audit Log command again.