Create a Custom Metric

This is a procedural topic for administrators describing how to create a custom metric for counting, aggregating, or formulating values from existing metrics. Do this if you wish to report use a statistic that is not available in the VIEW library of standard historical metrics.

This topic also covers the following related tasks:

Create a Metric Based on an Existing Metric

Edit a Metric

Delete a Metric



  1. Click in the top-right of the VIEW window and then select Report Builder.

  1. Select Custom Report from the Report Type selector.

  1. Select the desired historical data source from the Historical Data Source selector.

  2. Ensure that the Metrics ribbon is active (highlighted in grey as shown above). It if is not, click it. This displays the Metric Selector panel.

  3. Click the New Metric button and then navigate to one of the following topics for further instructions:

Create a Metric: Count

Create a Metric: Aggregate

Create a Metric: Custom Formula

Create a Metric: Percentage Difference or Past Value

Related Tasks

Create a Metric Based on an Existing Metric

You do this in the Report Builder's Metric Selector panel.

To base a metric on a standard metric:

  1. Click the standard metric's button.

  2. In the configuration dialog, name the new metric, make the required changes, and then click Save As.

To base a metric on a custom metric:

  1. Click the metric's button.

  2. In the configuration dialog, overwrite the name of the metric with a new metric, make the required changes, and then click Save As.

Edit a Metric

  1. Click the metric's button in the Metric Selector panel. Make the required changes in the configuration dialog and then save your changes.

  2. If the metric is present in other reports, open and then save those reports. (To open a report, you may follow the general procedure in Open a Historical Report for Editing but do not edit the report.) This applies the changes to the dashboard display of those reports.

Delete a Metric

  1. Click the metric's button in the Metric Selector panel and then click OK in the confirmation dialog. The metric is permanently deleted from the panel.

  2. If the metric is present in other reports, open and then save those reports. (To open a report, you may follow the general procedure in Open a Historical Report for Editing but do not edit the report.) This metric is permanently removed from the dashboard display of those reports.