Count and Aggregate Metrics

Administrators only

Count and aggregate metrics are for use in custom reports. This section explains how the metrics work.

A count metric counts the number of raw data records (rows) that you would see in a data export report.

An aggregate metric performs a calculation on the data record values of a selected field in the report. There are five aggregate types:

Aggregate type

Calculation on data record values of selected field

Example aggregate metric

Total (Sum)

The sum of all the values

Total Talk Time


The average of all the values (zeroes are included)

Average Talk Time


The highest value

Highest Talk Time


The lowest value

Lowest Talk Time

Number of Unique Values

The number of values ignoring any duplicates

Unique Originating Numbers

A metric calculation is often performed on a filtered set of data records (see Filters in a Historical Data Export Report) so that unwanted data is not included in the calculation. In the following example, the first table is a data export report of unfiltered data; the second table is the same report and to which the filter 'Talk Time > 0' has been applied resulting in some records being hidden and therefore excluded from any calculations.




Aggregate field

Filtered rows


The following table shows how five metrics of the five different types calculate their values using the six filtered data export rows shown above.


Type of metric

Aggregate field



Number of Connected Calls



A count of the number of rows with 'Talk time > 0'


Total Talk Time

Aggregate Total (Sum)

Talk Time

Sum of the 'Talk Time' values of > 0


Average Talk Time.

Aggregate Average

Talk Time

Average of the 'Talk Time' values of > 0


Highest Talk Time

Aggregate Highest

Talk Time

The highest 'Talk Time' value that is > 0


Lowest Talk Time

Aggregate Lowest

Talk Time

The lowest 'Talk Time' value that is > 0


Explore Further

Create a Metric: Count

Create a Metric: Aggregate