Run Historical Reports in the Background

This is a procedural topic for supervisors and administrators describing how to run a historical report in the background.

Selecting wide date ranges (such as several months) on a historical dashboard calendar can cause some reports to take a long time to display data or to time out. Whilst such a report is waiting to display data, the VIEW interface does not allow you to perform other tasks, effectively locking you out.

To overcome this, you can run such reports as background tasks by queueing them.

This topic also covers the following related tasks:

Remove a Report From the Internal Report Queue

Download a Queued Report (CSV Format Only)



  1. Click in the top-right of the VIEW window and then select Queued Reports.

  2. Click Add.

  1. In the configuration dialog, select the report to run and then define the running date and time range by using the Start Date Time and End Date Time controls.

Note: if you specify an End Date Time in the future, the report will not run until data is imported past that time. For example, if you specify an end date time of 23:59:59 today, the report will run when data is imported past midnight tonight.

  1. Name the queue (ideally containing the name of the selected report) and then click Save.

The report is queued.

Note: default settings restrict the reporting date and time range to a rolling 13-month period.

  1. Create further queued reports in this manner if desired:

The queued reports are run in the listed order and the Status column displays their run status ('Queued', 'Running', 'Failed', or 'Complete'). Click the Refresh button to update the status as this is not done automatically. You may edit a queued report's start and end date and time if its status is 'Queued'.

Related Tasks



Delete a Queued Report Item

Select the queued report item and then click the Delete button in the configuration dialog that is displayed.

Download a Queued Report (CSV Format Only)

Click the report's Export  button.

Note: you cannot download a queued report with a 'Queued' or 'Running' status.