Control User Access Rights to VIEW Features

As an administrator, you can choose which VIEW features to grant to other VIEW administrators and supervisors in your organisation and sub-organisations. You do this by first creating a profile of features and then assigning the profile to selected administrators and supervisors.

If your system was deployed on or after February 2022, you must assign user rights from within storm STUDIO. See the storm STUDIO User Guide for details.

If your system was deployed before this date, your system might be configured to allow you to assign user rights from VIEW and NOT from STUDIO. If this is the case, the Edit Users menu option is visible when you click the VIEW settings button and you must follow the procedure in this topic to control user rights. If the menu option is not available, your system is not configured to allow you to control access rights in VIEW and you must use STUDIO instead.

Note: the ability to assign user rights from VIEW is expected to be phased out over time. 

The effect of each feature on the VIEW graphical user interface is described in Appendix C: VIEW User Rights.

This topic also covers the following related tasks:

Edit a Profile of Features

Unassign a Profile of Features From Users

Delete a Profile of Features



  1. Click in the top-right of the VIEW window and then select Edit Users. This displays the following configuration dialog:

Note: the Organisations panel on the left does not appear if your user account allows access to one organisation only.

  1. Click New to begin creating a new profile of features.

  2. Enter a name for the profile and then select the check boxes next to the features you want to include in it. 

The effect of each feature on the VIEW graphical user interface is described in the 'VIEW User Rights Controlled in storm VIEW' section of Appendix B: VIEW User Rights.

  1. Click Save Profile.

  2. In the left-hand panel, select the organisation or sub-organisation of target users.

  3. In the right-hand panel, use the options list to select the profile you want to assign. Do not click the profile's button.

  4. From the list of users, select the users to whom you want to assign the profile.

  1. Click Save User Assignment.

The changes for the selected users will take effect when they next log in to VIEW.

  1. Click Close to close the configuration dialog.

Related Tasks

Edit a Profile of Features

  1. Click in the top-right of the VIEW window and then select Edit Users to display the configuration dialog.

  2. Click the options list of profiles and then select the   button next to the profile you want to edit:


  1. Select or clear the check boxes to include or exclude features from the profile and then click Save Profile.

The effect of each feature on the VIEW graphical user interface is described in the 'VIEW User Rights Controlled in storm VIEW' section of Appendix B: VIEW User Rights.

  1. Click Close to close the configuration dialog.

Unassign a Profile of Features From Users

  1. Click in the top-right of the VIEW window and then select Edit Users to display the configuration dialog.

  2. Click the options list and then select the profile you want to unassign. Do not click the profile's button.

  3. In the list of users, clear the check boxes against the users from which to unassign the profile and then click Save User Assignment.

The changes for the selected users will take effect when they next log in to VIEW.

  1. Click Close to close the configuration dialog.

Delete a Profile of Features

  1. Click in the top-right of the VIEW window and then select Edit Users to display the configuration dialog.

  2. Click the options list of profiles and then select the   button next to the profile you want to delete:


  1. Click Delete Profile and then click OK in the confirmation dialog.

  2. Click Close to close the configuration dialog.